"And you were correct," he chuckled, placing his glass to his lips and taking a sip of his drink. "You're the leader of them now, aren't you?"

"One of them."

His eyebrows shot up once more. "What is the twenty-four year old leader of the Horsemen doing drawing me into a dive bar?" His tone was playful, but his expression demanded answers. Masters glanced away from him. "You offerin' me a peace treaty or something?"

"We're offering a warning," Masters replied, not letting his voice waiver as he spoke. "To you and your group. You and Grey killed the most important people in all of our lives. You took everything from us." Kyle swirled the remaining liquid in his glass. "You and your group will step down, or we will take everything from you."

The man then let out a bark of laughter. Master clenched his jaw, not letting him see the weakness he possessed. "That-" the man began to regain his breath, smile inching downward, "that was cute. I needed that laugh, Kyle. Thank you for that."

"Do you think your daughter would have laughed at that?" Masters asked tauntingly, playing his best card. He relished in the moment that all humor left the man's face. "I don't believe that she would have found that to be very funny, Mister Carson."

Masters cringed as he heard the soft click of a loaded gun. "How the hell do you know about her?" he snarled, voice low enough for only Masters to hear. Kyle could feel the barrel push into his thigh.

"You underestimate us, Andrew," he answered confidently, the light smugness in his tone not going ignored. "You underestimate what we're capable of. What I'm capable of." Masters shrugged. "You were the hardest to find dirt on. The rest of your team-" Masters exhaled heavily, throwing his hands up subtly, "-child's play."

Andrew Carson shook his head. "You're bluffing."

"You really want to take that chance?" Masters taunted. When Andrew didn't reply, Masters smirked. "Stand down."

"Or what?" the man sneered.

"Or, I will make your daughter's life a living hell for the years to come," he stated simply.

Kyle was almost offset by the anger in his eyes. Andrew leaned toward him, speaking softly. "If you even think of touching her, I swear, I will destroy everything that you are."

Masters almost laughed. He grinned, shaking his head. "You already have." Andrew watched as Kyle got up from his seat, slapping a twenty dollar bill on the table before him. "Make up your mind. Or I will."

And with that, Kyle Masters left the dimly lit bar, not to see Andrew Carson until he had him at gun point four months later, prepared to abduct Quinn Carson.



once again, as much as i'd like to, i do not own criminal minds. the majority of this story will be following my own plotline, but episodes used/referenced and lines from these episodes are things in which i don't own. i do however, own quinn carson and the other characters i have created along with their back stories.

let's fucking do this. welcome back into the world of the horsemen pals.


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