Chapter 1- Situation in Reverse

Start from the beginning

"Joy Hamilton! Dude, why fucking not? She's hot and she loaded!" Finn exclaimed as well, also thinking I was an idiot.

"Paid date?" Mason asked shaking his head at me disappointedly when I nodded my head in pain.

"She's probably the richest girl on campus." Finn stated sitting straight up in his seat, "There's always one on campus." He held his thumb off starting to count off, "You've got Kate Johns the slut that you'd think she's rich and mighty. You've got the secret wealthy geek, Maya Anderson, of Anderson Co, as in her daddy makes bank on Wall Street. You've got the lonely only rich child, Jason Fox, whom by the way has the best sports seats; I'm talking baseball, basketball, hockey, football, women's beach volleyball, soccer, hell even cricket! Legally Blondes Alex and Audrey Williams, all their family members are lawyers, judges, or high ranking Feds. Then of course you've got the son and daughter of the Dean who walks around this place. One thinks they own the whole freakin campus the other hides behind glasses and acts like an innocent virgin. Trust me on this, she isn't a virgin, and not just because of me."  He waved his whole hand as in 'you get my point' kind of way.

"I bet you Joy Hamilton offered you at least a grand to go with you. That's way more than anyone has probably offered or gave you. Am I right?" Mason asked shaking his head.

"Guys if you think they're rich then you don't know anything. A grand is nothing then what someone gave me before." I sighed closing my eyes as I pictured her in my memory. She would defiantly kill me if she knew I was talking about her like this. She always hated when I brought up her and money up. When I called her rich just to push her buttons... I mentally chuckled, the fury she unleashed on me every time.

"Who are you talking about?" Finn wondered going back to his counting. He stared up at the ceiling in deep thought, counting on his fingers and mumbling to himself.

"Who would pay you more than a grand to go on a fake date?" Mason chuckled sitting up on his bed watching me curiously.

"Dude those are the only richest people on campus that I know. And trust me I know many. I've slept with most of them." Finn confirmed with multiple nods of the head.

I smirked letting out a chuckle, "Well I know for sure you haven't slept with this one."

Finn snapped his fingers pointing to me with a nod, "Rich virgins, they have those on campuses too. This campus I'm not so sure of." Finn mumbled back in thought.

I shook my head, "Not a virgin." I chuckled back to throwing the hackie sacks on my ceiling. Well, I don't think so anyways.

"Then who?" Mason asked with a dumb founded look on his face. Finn in the corner was staring back up at the ceiling as if trying to analyze every girl on campus.

I chuckled shaking my head as my phone started to ring on my desk, "Mom?" I mumbled quietly to myself.

"Moms!" Finn said with a snap of his fingers. Mason and I both looked at him weirdly as he thought about what he just said, "Wait what? Ew no not moms." He scowled shaking his head.

I slowly nodded my head answering my mom's call, "Hey mom." I greeted still shaking my head disapprovingly at Finn of his answer.

"Hey kiddo! Just checking up on you. Making sure you're not ditching out on us next week." Mom reminded. The noise in the background seemed to be quieter than normal, the chopping coming from a knife and cutting board told me she was in the kitchen cooking. Ok, I'm glad I'm going home I've missed a nice home cooked meal.

"Of course I am. You still want me there, right?" I chuckled throwing my hackie sack up at the ceiling.

"Yes I want you home that's not even a question." She chuckled, "So I'm calling because a little birdie told me you have a girlfriend?"

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