I sat with Karma's group again. This time it was a conversation of girls.

"So Nagisa, we all know you like Kayano, right?" Karma basically teased the poor boy that had a tint of pink

"I uhhhh....." Nagisa stammered

"How about you and Yukiko?" I asked sugino, he had a blush forming on his face

"Ummm, fine I guess." He responded

"Heh, I hit a sweet spot~" I teased

"Y/n, but that's what I tell you~" Karma seductively said

"Gross!" I yell knowing what he meant (only people with dirty minds got this)

"How about you and Karma?" Maehara asked

"We're just friends." I said firmly
(Notice that you didn't get lunch?)

"That'll soon change~" he whispered in my ear

"Karma!" I yell

"Is she turned on?~" he licked his lips

"That's gross!" I told him

"Guys we're in public." Chiba told us

"Why you looking at me! It was Karma not me!" I whined

The group just laughed.

"Isogai, you've been quiet, it's starting to give me the creeps." Maehara told the boy

"Uh, just thinking!" He waved his hands I front of his face.

"Yeah thinking of a girl maybe." I grumbled and I got a nudge from Nagisa

*bell rings*

  We all walk to history class, when I had a stomach ace.

"I'm hungry." I complained

"Here." Maehara said and gave me some chips

"Thanks!" I smile, I saw a tiny tint of pink forming on his cheeks

"Hey, y/n, you know you can eat me~" karma joined the conversation

"Do you have nothing better to do than make dirty joke, karma?"Maehara asked

"Thank you, at least someone understands!" I sighed of relief

"Hey what's going on over here?" Sugino asked as he wrapped his arm over my shoulder

  I heard a low growl come from Karma. Jealous maybe?

"Let her go." Karma narrowed his eyes

  They backed away from me. Really guys? So is this his insane side? It's kinda cute.

"Is Karma jealous?" I asked

  He just growled in response.

"They're not allowed to touch you." Karma  said

"Jeez mother." I chuckled

"W-we're going to be late for class, we'll get going!" The two boys scrambled away.

"Want to skip class?" I asked

"Hm? Sure." Karma said back to normal

"You were cute back there." I complimented

"Really, you could deal with that side?"

"Yeah, no biggie." I smiled

"You really are something." Karma smiled looking at the clouds outside.

"Let's go outside!" I took him by the wrist and dragged him outside.

"The clouds look better from out here!" I exclaimed

"Yeah they do." Karma said looking at me, I looked at him with a blush

"What does that one look like to you?" I asked him pointing to some random cloud

"Uh, sorta like a turtle."

"Well I see a group of bunnies, believe it or not."

"I guess I could see it too." Karma replied

  I opened the chips Maehara gave me and shared them with Karma.

  After awhile, we went in for the last period. Which happened to be with Koro-sensei math. Me and Karma planned an attack, oh what fun! So since there was a window, we decided to use that to our advantage. I walked in and moved closer to Koro-sensei. He started to back up, just like I wanted.
  We each step, he moved closer to the window. Then I tried to slash him, good, things are going just as planned. When he blocked my attack he didn't notice Karma by the window and Karma shot, hit sensei in the shoulder.
  Then he teleported to the door and had a surprise attack from Nagisa. Karma and I were shocked, that wasn't planned. I took that chance to kick Koro-sensei but he dogged as karma shot. I started panting. I was out of breath. We were at it for about 10 mins.

"Well, my jobs done, Less Class time!" I shout

"What?!? So you weren't trying to kill me?" Sensei asked

"I was but not totally, I mean this is only my second day here." I told him

  Karma was already in his seat. I walked over and I gave Nagisa a thumbs up for the surprised attack. 'Good job' I mouthed. He just smiled

  Before we knew it, it was dismissal. Karma walked me home and we said our goodbyes. But before he could go....I said something that I might regret later.

"Karma wait!"

He turned around to see my red face as I looked away.

"Bring some extra clothes next time, maybe you can stay again tomorrow...I-if you want." I told him

  He just gave me a thumbs up and left with a smirk. I went into my house and changed and went into a deep sleep.

Karma X Reader (completed with lemon)Where stories live. Discover now