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"Oh great you just what I need" I said while wiping my tears

"What's wrong with you princess?"
Ace said

Honestly I wasn't sure if he's tone was meant to be sarcastic or not

"Just forget it's stupid high school stuff or whatever"

He laughed

"That boyfriend of yours huh?"

I scoffed "Chris isn't my boyfriend whatever we had wasnt official"

Ace raised an eyebrow "but he still did something"

He spoke in more of a statement then a question like he'd known what happened

"Yea he was - what does it matter to you ace don't you have a mailbox to be hitting with a bat "

He laughed

"See that's why I like you your not afraid to stand up for yourself"

Likes me?

"Whatever I just wanna go home and change out of this stupid dress"

"How about I take you home you take off that dress then you come hangout with me and my friends"

I raised an eyebrow was ace really asking me to hangout

"Look I know we seem horrible but were always nice to pretty girls so what do you say?"

Was I really about to become friends with the devil?

(Short chapter I know sorry :((( but I'm posting another one in like an hour )

Daydreams' Chris Chambers Where stories live. Discover now