chapter 001

603 13 7

(Who should rose be^)

I'm a clumsy girl I know that

my family knows that

everyone at school knows that

damn the whole stupid boring town of castle rock knows it

My name is rose Lachance but everyone at school calls me "the jinx"

Not a cute nickname people use to tell me it was adorable when I was younger but when you grow into a 16 year old teenager the cuteness wears off

I live in castle rock it's not a huge town there's less then a thousand people who live here but it's were I was raised

Even though I can't wait to graduate and leave it's still my home and I still have a two full years until that day comes

Anyways this is me and my story or whatever

"Rose could you walk faster I would love to get home before dark"

My brother gordie said in an annoyed tone

"Sorry " I mumbled as I sped up my pace

Intro my twin brother gordie he's everything I'm not he's smart organized and talented and he knows what he wants to do with his life he's always known

He was also Dennys favorite

Denny was our older brother who passed away a couple years ago in a car accident

Denny was pretty much perfect the perfect child if you think gordie is great you should've known Denny

"We're home!" Gordie yelled

My mom had sent us out to get some things she needed to make for dinner

A little while back my mom pulled the whole catatonic thing she had been here but not really

I don't blame her I don't know what I would do if i ever lost a child I did loose my brother but it was a lot worse for her I know it was

But she's healed now she's a better mom then she was before

It just my dad has the one who hasn't bounced all the way back he's still comparing everything we do to denny
And he's down our necks about silly things like cleaning our rooms and putting our shoes away

"Well its about time why Don't you two wash up for dinner" my mom says grabbing the bags from my hands

"Hey mom can I call Chris over for dinner" gordie says

mom nods as i headed up the stairs to go take a quick shower

My mom loved Chris she saw he was a good kid my dad didn't like anyone of gordie friends though or mine

My dad wasn't coming to dinner tonight and we all knew it when he stayed in his study pass 5pm we just knew he wasn't coming out until late

Once i reached my room i grabbed an outfit to change into and a towel as i headed into the bathroom

Once I got out the shower I walked to my room and threw my dirty clothes in my basket I put on my pajama shorts and a long shirt that went above my knees

I Brushed my hair and put it in a high ponytail

"rose Dinner!"

I snapped my head up at the sound of my mother's voice

I hopped down the stairs as I saw my mother putting down plates for Gordie and Chris

I sat down across from Gordie and Chris next to my mom

"So are you kids excited for sophomore year tomorrow first day of school"

Me and gordie just gave each other this look this "tell her not to talk about school look"

While Chris said "yes Mrs.Lachance it should be interesting"

Gordie stiffled a laugh at Chris response he loved to mock Chris when he was acting polite

"How about any girls you got your eyes on this year Chris ?"

my mom said

This made me listen closely i couldn't help

" uhm maybe there might be someone you never know"

Once I looked up he was staring at me

Why was he staring at me?

someone, please tell me why he wouldn't look away

he was one of the most popular boys yet he kept to his own friends

He was known for trouble

And I was known for falling on my ass

would someone please tell him to stop he's making my cheeks hot

Someone tell Chris chambers to look away

Daydreams' Chris Chambers Where stories live. Discover now