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The dance is in 1 hour to be exact it's 6 o'clock right now

Chris is coming at 6:40 then me,him and gordie are suppose to leave then

But for some reason I just can't get dressed I'm so scared I keep thinking ' what if Chris doesn't like it' or 'what if people stare at us'

I sighed my mom walked into my room "Hey sweetie you need some help getting ready?" I smiled thank god for my mom

"I don't know what to wear" I simply stated

She Noded as she went into my closet to dig around

She pulled out a swede light brown dress I hadn't worn it in some time so it was still a nice dress

I smiled as she picked out some nice white heals to match

"Thanks mom" I smiled as she left the room

I closed my door and began to change

Once I hand the dress on it fit perfect it went a little above my knee but it wasn't that short

I went into my moms room and asked her to apply a little bit of makeup since I didn't own any

"Sweetie are you excited to be going out with Chris oh you guys are so cute"

"Thanks mom I really like him"

She smiled once she was done I grabbed my heels and went down the hall to gordie room

"Gordie how'd do I look is it to much?"

Gordie laughed "no but I can't belive your going to wear heels your the clumsiness person I've ever met" I laughed your right I

I went back to my room and put the heels back in the closet and too out my white chucks

Better I thought

"Kids Chris is here " I finished tying my shoes and jumped down the stairs

"OH MY sweetie are you wearing chucks what happened to the shoes ?"

"If you haven't noticed mom I'm pretty clumsy and I wouldn't want to be falling on Chris all night"

Chris and gordie laughed

"Okay okay just let me get some pictures"

We stood togther in the poses my mom asked of us until she was done we left walking

"You look great rosie " Chris said I smiled

"I'll throw up if you guys talk like that all night I swear"

Gordie said

"Oh don't worry gordie" Chris said

I laughed

We walked a little more until we reached the school gordie saw teddy and vern so he walked over to them leaving me and Chris alone togther

All the students were in the front socializing or heading inside

Me and Chris stopped before walking in looking at eachother awkwardly

"Chris Chambers is that you at a school dance ! Well oh my word I thought you weren't coming ?"

Oh Sally henderson always showing up at the best of times
Can you feel the sarcasm I bet you can

"Hey Sally I wasn't coming but rosie asked me so here I am I guess or whatever"

Sally smile dropped "Oh rose I almost didn't see you there how are you sweetie"

She so did see me

"Hey Sally I'm good you look nice well we got to go bye"

I grabbed Chris pulling him inside

Once we were inside I let go of his hand and we found our table with teddy and the others

"Hey guys" I said

"Hey happy couple" teddy said

"Oh shove it" Chris replied

Teddy laughed

We sat down as the gym began to fill up more and more

slowly everyone started to dance and girls came and picked of everyone slowly

You wouldn't believe how many girls Chris turned down just to sit at a table with me while all his friends danced with very attractive girls

I stood up and held my hand out to Chris "let's dance chambers"
I said he smirked

"I don't dance Lachance" Chris said I laughed cause it rhymed

I kept my hand out "not even for me" I said with my best puppy dog face

Chris laughed "is guess only for you though"

"Yes!" I laughed as Chris stood up and led me to the dance floor

A fast dance was playing and chris began to dance he was actually pretty good and once I tryed I fell on my butt

"Ouch" I said as near by people laughed including Chris

"How does that even happen" Chris said while helping me up

"Quiet chambers we can't all dance like you" Chris laughed

To my luck a slow song began to play as I wrapped my arms around Chris neck

we danced for a while

"Hey I need to use the girls room I'll be back" Chris noded as I walked out

The bathrooms were right cross from the gym so I hurried into the girls side

I used the bathroom as I looked in the mirror while I was washing my hands I smiled at my reflection

I'm on a date with freaken Chris Chambers amazing I thought as I walked out of the bathroom my smile completely fell

"Chris?" I choked out he was against a wal while freaken sally henderson was kissing him

Sally pulled away as Chris look very confused

"Rosie it's not what it looks like" Chris said but before he could come towards me I ran

And I ran until I was at this junkyard near the school were people left their dead cars

And I couldn't help it I know it was ring r me to n and not face my proble s t I wanted to cry

So I did

I straight out bawled

"Rosie?" I looked up to see the last person I wanted see at this moment

(BUM BUM BUM cliffhanger kinda don't hate me anyways yea 2 updates whatttttt)

Daydreams' Chris Chambers Where stories live. Discover now