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I couldn't stop thinking everything was going through my mind I couldn't stop thinking about dinner last night

Chris kept starring at Me and smiling
He never paid attention to me before or maybe I just never noticed it ?

I was getting ready for school I had already showered but I needed to pick out an outfit which was always hard for me

Because honest I don't dress like the other girls at my school I would say I have my own style it's nothing to crazy but my dad hates it he says I ruin the clothes he buys for me

I like to change them how you say?
I like to sew certain shirts together and change my skirts and pants

My dad told me I was dressing like a whore my mother said I was being creative

But you know what?
my dad probably won't even be home all day to see my outfit even after school he always comes home late I'll be in my bed by then

I just decided on some colorful shorts and a white blouse with a pair of flats
I grabbed my school bag and I was ready

"Gordie are you ready to go!"

Gordies bedroom door opened as he stepped out in his simple attire gordie didn't care for style he cared for simple

We headed out the house and began to walk

"Rose can we pick up the guys on the way"

I nodded as we began to walk in the direction of Verns house

I guess I kinda spaced out because by the time I looked up we had already picked up teddy and vern

"Hey guys " I mumbled

"Hey rose" teddy said

I spaced out again as the boys started to talk I didn't really clock back into reality until they started taking about Chris

"Hey guys I think Chris likes somebody he's acting weird" teddy said

The guys all started to agree "yes you know last night at dinner he said their might be someone" Gordie said

"Who do you think it is rose?"

Gordie asked me "oh uhm I don't know maybe sally henderson all the guys like her she's pretty"

"No I Don't think do Chris wouldn't like someone everyone else likes it's probably smart he liked those girls"

Teddy said

I sighed as we stopped at Chris house as i watched him run out with a calm face

He was in a casual attire a blue shirt and some jeans he looked cute I admit
Chris recently started wearing glasses he only wears them to school though

"verno! How was your summer trip ?" Chris asked

I didn't really known much about it but vern had left for the summer to visit his family a couple states over

I didn't pay attention to the rest of the conversation I was still trying to figure out who Chris could like

Teddy was right though Chris wouldn't like a girl like sally henderson she was very pretty it was true buy her personality was kinda phony she was the most popular girl in school but she's wasn't the nicest I admit

I looked up to notice we were at school Gordie looked at me "okay well see you later rose find me if you need anything "

I nodded as I began to walk away I heard the boys speak

"Why would she need you?" I heard vern say

" I don't know guys she's been acting weird lately I think there's something wrong with her she's usually cracking jokes i haven't even seen her smile the whole summer "

I sighed as I kept walking was that really true I haven't smiled all this summer ?

I haven't really been feeling like my self lately I guess

I walked to my locker and put away everything except a notebook and a pencil I don't think I need much else

"Wow rose your outfit is bitchin' "
Intro Sally and some of her friends I never really hear them speak unless their agreeing with her

"Gee thanks sally" I said I was in a rush to get away I didn't want her poking around asking me things about gordie and his friends for some reason she's interested in them

"Hey not so fast rose do you want to sit with us at lunch you could invite your brother and his friends"

"I'll think about it Sally I really need to book to class"

I didn't let her reply I just walked away

I headed into class in looked aroundo

For a familiar face the only one I found was Chris so i sat next to him

"Hey Rosie" Chris said I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him

"I've told you Chris it's rose I don't go by Rosie anymore that's a ankle bitter name "

He laughed "I like calling you Rosie" was all he said

I didn't reply because the teacher entered the room and began to speak
" I like calling you rosie "

It replayed in my head again and again

(SORRY IF IT'S SHORT AND BORING RN but something big is coming up so just chill with me people okay kisses)

Daydreams' Chris Chambers Where stories live. Discover now