"No I meant internally silly goose." Ariana giggled and I put my ear on her stomach and listened.

That was until I gasped and looked up at her, "What?" She chuckled moving my hair away from my face.

"I heard a little whine." I joked and she giggled shaking her head.

"I'm serious Ari! The girl is hungry it's like a dog waiting to be fed." I said again and she giggled freely causing me to start chuckling with her.

"Alright, alright let's get something to eat." Ariana chuckled as she struggled to get up and I got up while I pulled her up with me.

I grabbed my phone and I took notice of Camila yawning as she closed her eyes briefly. I smiled when she opened them and looked at her camera again but she just stared at me like a lost puppy.

"Hey baby." I smiled causing her to lightly return the gesture.

"Uhm Ariana and I are gonna get something to eat I'll be right bac-"

"Not anymore! Keana just texted me!" Ariana screeched happily and I looked at her with wide eyes.

"You still have to bring me food." I pouted and Ariana hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek.

"You're the best." She whispered and I chuckled a little while I laid back down on my bed.

"I gotta go meet her!" Ariana smiled widely and I raised my eyebrows.

"Then go." I smiled and she gave me a look.

"You gonna be alright?" She asked instantly making me frown and I swallowed my spit.

"Yes? Of course I'd be fine." I chuckled playfully rolling my eyes to Camila and she hummed.

"I uh if it goes well I was gonna tell her." Ariana said lowly and I gave her a look.

"U-Uhm sure but please don't say I knew." I whispered and she nodded as she grabbed her purse.

"I'll see you later Lo." She smiled and quickly left with a little pep in her step.

I turned my head back to Camila to see her staring right into the camera and my mouth instantly went dry.

"You have a secret or something?" Camila asked with her eyebrow raised and I bit my lip.

"Camz I-"

Keana's POV

I can't believe I just invited her over to talk! What am I gonna say? God she's gonna have a baby bump! And she's gonna look so amazing while I look like a freaking dumpster. I slipped on my black skinny jeans and my green combat jacket with a white tank top. I had to look at least decent while that cheating beauty comes in our apartment again.

{{Knock Knock Knock}}

Shit!!! I'm not fine!

"I-I'm coming." I tried to say loud enough but it just ended up in a weird raspy voice.

I walked to the apartment door and quickly took a deep breath before opening it with a small smile. I immediately took notice of her belly underneath her light pink shirt. Her eyes had bags underneath them but she still managed to look completely flawless.

"Uh h-here." I mumbled opening the door and she smiled lightly as she walked through the door.

I closed the door as I closed my eyes briefly, I turned around to see her standing awkwardly by the kitchen table. I subconsciously grabbed her hand and I led us to sit down in our kitchen.

"Want some uh coffee?" I asked through a whisper and she shook her head.

"I can't really have coffee possibilities of a miscarriage- uh yeah." She trailed off with a cough and I sighed.

One Problem (camren)Where stories live. Discover now