Doris furrowed her brow. "Those are awful hard pains, Payton. How long have you been hurting?"

Payton smiled, "Those last two were the first that were that hard..."

"You know what I'm asking. How long have you been having pains?"

Payton ducked her head, knowing they would both be upset. "Since breakfast." she told them quietly.

"BREAKFAST!!!!" they both yelled.

"And you didn't say anything?!" Joshua said.

"I was afraid it might be false labor but I'm pretty sure  now it's not." she told him. "There was no need in everyone getting upset and excited over false labor...."

Doris clicked her tongue, "Payton, I don't know if I have ever seen a woman like you.... Let's get you up to that bed... We might have a baby before supper." she chuckled at Jsohua's frightened and surprised expression. "c'mon son, let's get her upstairs so I can see what's going on...."

Payton made it up to the bedroom before the next pain hit. She held on to her husband and ground her teeth waiting on it to subside. When it did she tried to smile at Joshua, "I'm sorry." she said.

"Sorry?" he asked, "For what?"

"I think I pinched you just now..." she told him.

"you can pinch or hit or bite me whatever makes you feel better, Love."

Doris huffed, "Joshua, nothing like that is called for. Women been having babies for years now." she said, "Now let's help her out of this dress and into her night dress. Then we are going to get her on the bed and when the next pain hits I'll check her and we'll see where this baby is and when it might be making it's first appearance."

Payton took the night dress from Doris' hands. "I can do this.. I'm not crippled." she told them. "I'm just going to have a baby. As you just said, Women have been doing for years, since the beginning of time."

Once she was changed Joshua went to help her into the bed. She smiled at him, "Thank you but I can mange getting into the bed alone. If I need your help I'll let you know."

He stepped back sheepishly. He really wasn't sure what to do. When Eliza had been in labor it had all been so out of the ordinary and such a stressful thing that no one told him what was expected of him. Then when Nate had been born because of the circumstances he stayed in the barn.

Doris sent him after a chair or stool. When he brought it back up, Payton was in the middle of another contraction and he saw Doris checking about the baby. Payton's face was twisted in pain. Her hands gripped the bed clothing and her body was arched in a way that only meant one thing.... Pain. He wanted to bolt from the room and run and take her in his arms all in the same breath. This was just awful...

Doris stepped back and went to wash her hand at the night stand. She dipped her hands in the clean basin of water and used the cloth already provided to dry them. Without turning around to look at them she said,  "Joshua, you go get Malissia. She'll have to come here. Those younuns will just have to stay here while this baby is being born. There's no time for you to take them to Malissia and go fetch Maddie May. That baby is coming fast." she smiled broadly. "We're going to have a baby here before dark!" Then she added, "Lord's willing."

Joshua took a deep breath and then sat down on the foot of the bed. Doris went over and pushed him up. "I'm serious son. You go and get Malissia. This baby is coming fast and I'm going to need some help. Go... GO!"

Joshua jumped up. He turned and looked at Payton and she could see the fear written in the lines on his face. He wanted to hold her but he knew time was important so he quickly placed a kiss on her forehead and made his way to the door in not quite a run but not a walk either. Once at the door he stopped and turned to look at Doris. His face was sober, "Is the baby.... is it..." his eyes darted over to Payton and then back to Doris, "Is it laying right?" He swallowed a lump in his throat and held his breath waiting on her answer.

The Reason For Grace (Sequel to A Reason To Stay)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu