Chapter Six: Rainbows~!

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"YATTA!" I jumped for joy. I did it! I actually did it! I won the special audition along with Ran of course. Our Aikatsu phone blinked and it said that we had achieved the Perfect Posture achievement.. "Good job Ichigo" Ran gave me a thumbs up and a wink. "You did great too Ran" I giggled. Tomorrow me and Ran will have a photo shoot for Star Honey magazine. This is going to be exciting!

Weeks went by and Me and Ran got closer than ever. Aoi also got close with Ran and the three of us hang out and train often. We later discovered that despite Ran's cool and mature personality she is also cute in the inside. The three of us auditioned together. We even got new Premium Rare Aikatsu Cards from the designers themselves. I was walking to class until Suzukawa-kun appeared in front of me. "Ichigo, could you help me?" I nodded. He lead me to the big fountain which was at the center of the school grounds. "What is it Suzukawa-kun?". He stepped aside and pointed at the fountain. "Its her". A little girl wearing our school uniform was sitting inside the fountain. Reminiscing the water that falls down. She have golden brown hair that was in high pigtails which resembles to a rabbit's ears. "Could you please help me get her out? She won't listen to me." I nodded. I stepped closer to her "H-hey there I'm Ichigo what's your name?" She turned to looked at me and said "Otome" and looked away as fast as she could to look at the water again. I scratched the back of my head. "E-eh? What are you doing there Otome?". She pointed at the water which was falling "Threes no rainbow". "See? She's pointless" Suzukawa-kun said while his palm was covering his face. "I'll continue working. Get her out of there before the both of you will be late. Hurry" he then left. Hmph, bossy pants. "What rainbow?" I asked. "Whenever I come here there is always a rainbow. I came to check if it's here today but it didn't appear". "Maybe the rainbow will be here after class?" I suggested. Otome looked at me and smiled "You maybe right" she got up and I helped her get out of the fountain. "Ichigo!!" I turned to see Aoi and Ran running towards me. "Class is about to start and you weren't at the dorm. We were looking everywhere for you" Aoi puffed. "Where were you?" Ran asked while she placed her hands on her hips. "I was helping Otome" I moved aside to reveal a wet Otome standing in front of them. "Yoho~!" Otome was about to jump infront of them until I stopped her. "O-otome, don't you think that it would be great if you dried up first?" Otome checked at herself. "You are right!" she pointed at me. "I'll go change first. Jaa Neeee~". "I guess she's really bubbly if she dosen't catch rainbows" I said out loud. "Catching rainbows?" Aoi and Ran jumped in shock. And just like that the bell for first period rang. "WEEEEREEE GOING TO BE LAAAATE" the three of us yelled as we ran going to our class.

Bepp-sensei wasn't here yet so we weren't marked as late. "It's our lucky day" Aoi announced while she gave the two of us a thumbs up. "GOOD MORNING HONEYS~!" Johnny-sensei announced. He walked up to the teachers table while he said "Sorry I'm late, But I brought good news!". "Sensei sure is excited everyday" I whispered at Aoi. "You said it!" Aoi and I giggled. Johnny-sensei opened a poster and it said "BIG CHRISTMAS EVENT!" "There is going to be another special Christmans event! The details would be on the bulletin on the hallways" Bepp-sensei gave us two thumbs up "Gambatte ne, honeys".

"Only three people who can make it to the end can participate in the event" Ran said out loud while she read the details on the wall. "Lets go for it!" I announced. Ran nodded. "Ooh!" Aoi pointed at the wall. "Nani?" I asked, "You're competing against Otome-chan in the first round!" I jumped up "Yes! I'll be battling against Otome-chan!". "Why are you so happy?" Ran asked "Cause I like Otome-chan" I smiled. "Honto, good luck Ichigo" Aoi smiled back.

Back at the dorm, I was watching one of the shows on my Aikatsu phone until.. "Aoi! It's Otome-chan!" I pointed the holographic screen above my aikatsu phone. Aoi nodeed "She did several advertisments before we enrolled." "Soka. sugui ne, Otome-chan!" (I see, Otome-chan's really amazing). "Ichigo...". "Hmm?" I turned to face Aoi. "I'm worried you're not taking this battle seriously. Otome-chan's a tough contestant You'll lose if you aren't careful". "I know that's why I'd better try my best to win this!". 

Aoi is already asleep but I still kept ton thinking what she said to me earlier You'll lose if you aren't careful. I got up took a jacket and went out of the dorm. I think a walk could put me to rest. "Ichigo?" I looked up. "O-oh, Suzukawa-kun" he wasn't wearing his uniform. This time he was wearing a black shirt on. "Why are you up this late? You should rest" I placed his hands in his pockets. "I-I just couldn't sleep" I dug deeper in the jacket. "If youre just thinking about fun and games against Arisugawa Otome, you can't win". I walked pass him. "People have been saying that recently" "W-Where are you going?". "For a walk" I dug deeper again. "Then I'll come with you" he walked beside me. I turned to look at him and he just smiled. "I know you can do this". I raised my eyebrow. He looked at me "I can see it in you". "Hey Suzukawa-kun". "Nani?". "Why have you start calling me Ichigo?"I asked. Suuzkawa-kun just smiled and said "Cause youre my special friend" he smiled. "Special...friend?" I repeated. He nodded and checked his watch. "I'd better get going.", I nodded, and dug deeper in again. But then I noticed it's scent. I looked at it's sleeve. Yep, it's his jacket. "N-nani?" I unzipped the jacket, but then a warmth struck my hand. I looked up at Suzukawa. "You can keep it" he zipped the jacket back up and said "Oyasumi Nasai, Ichigo" he turned around and continued walking. "Oyasumi Nasai, Nao" I whispered.

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