Chapter Four: Sprained Ankle

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I woke up in a comfortable bed. But in an unfamiliar room. It was definitely not my room. If not mine. Then whose? I got up immediately scanning the room for any clues to where I was. I left the comforts of the bed to stand up. I was dressed in different clothing. HUH? WHATS THIS? I opened the door of the room and a bright light almost blinded me to death. "Oh, you're awake" Suzukawa-kun said. Why is Suzukawa-kun here? Where was I last night? Where am I? I was about to speak until a familiar purple headed goddess walked in front of me. "Ohayou Ichigo!". I bowed "Ohayou Mizuki-san. But, where am I?". Without uttering a word Suzukawa-kun headed right off the door. "Youre in my lodge Ichigo-chan, want some breakfast?". "H-Hai, Arigatou Gozaimas" I bowed again. "I'll get breakfast ready, but right now, you need a bath. I have already prepared your uniform and shoes and also a towel. There's a bathroom just in the corner. Take your time" she smiled nicely at me. "A-Arigatou Gozaimas" I bowed again and I followed her orders. Remembering every detail carefully. Uniform. Towel. Shoes. Room. Bath. Time. Take I didn't understand a word I'm supposed to understand.

"So, you were passing by and you saw me asleep on the bench?" I reassured.

"Hai" Mizuki-san replied as she sipped her cup of coffee

"So you called Suzukawa to carry me here?" 

"Hai" she sipped again.

"But why was Suzukawa here, just now?" I asked in curiousity.

"He said that it was his responsibility that you fell asleep so it's also his responsibility when you wake up"

"Sodes" I placed my hand to my chin and remembered the events that happened last night. 

"School is about to start, Ichigo-chan. You must get going" Mizuki-san smiled at me while she was radiant as ever early in the morning

"H-Hai! Thank you for having me over!" 


"GOSH! Did ALL that really happened?" Aoi was still amazed that I slept in Mizuki-san's lodge. Got to wear her clothes, used her towel and bathroom, and she even served me breakfast.

"Yep!" I gave her a thumbs up and suddenly my eyes were directly gazing at something at the wall. "There's a job audition at a Takuyaki store! I'm gonna audition!" I took my Aikatsu Phone and auditioned but it requires in pair. I turned to look at Aoi "Hehehe, please Aoi". "A friend in need is a friend indeed" Aoi winked at me.

To avoid what happened in the last auditions I need to strengthen my feet. I decided to jog after classes end to train my feet coordination. I was happily jogging around the neighborhood when I reached the park my ankle sprained. "O-Ow!" I fell right on the floor. I was going to stand up but my foot hurts so bad that I couldn't. "E-Eh, what happened? Are you alright?" a familiar voice. Someone grabbed me from my back and sat me down on the nearby bench. When I looked up to see who it was, "S-Suzukawa!" I yelped. "H-Hoshimiya!". "E-Ehh" the two of us whined. 

Suzukawa brushing the fact that I was the one he stumbled upon kindly offered his help. "W-What happened to you anyways?" he asked. "I was jogging, then I suddenly fell. My ankle hurts though" He took off my shoe to examine it. "Yep, sprained ankle". "S-Sprained ankle?" I was surprised. I haven't heard of it before but it sounds, serious. He took his face towel and he damped it with water and massaged it on my foot. "Why were you here anyways?" I asked in curiosity. "I-I was out somewhere" He seems to not want to talk about the topic. So I brushed it off. "Oh man, It's getting kinda dark. I'm gonna miss dinner because of this!" I complained. Those tasty platters are waiting for me at the banquet hall. "Hey, It's not my fault you re such a klutz". He does have a point. "Gomen"

He looked up, surprised at my gesture. I just straightened my position and my eyes and hands were at my lap. Suddenly an arm raised one side of my body and before I knew it, I was on Suzukawa-kun's back. "I-I'll get you at the banquet hall just in time for dinner" He said rather shyly. I blushed without even a reason why. What am I feeling? Is this-? No, It cant be. No, It must be. Yes it might just be...

...HUNGER!!!!! Man, am I hungry!" 

After Suzukawa-kun carried me to my dorm he left on the porch wanting to misunderstandings for the both us. But just on time Aoi opened the door to see a hungry and hurt me. I was sent directly to the infirmary and directly to the banquet hall afterwards. 

"Ichigo youre eating too much again" Aoi barked.

"Buuuut, Aaaaaoi I was running from the park to here with a sprained ankle. Won't you get hungry?" I pleaded with puppy dog eyes. 

"Soka, Okay Eat as much as you want. I'll go to bed early with the audition coming up tomorrow. Oyasumi"

"Oyasumi Nasai! and Itadakimas!"

Man, am I full. I slowly manouvered my way upstairs and into our dorm room. Tonight was a chilly night so I grabbed the closest thing in my closet. I wrapped it around my body and a familiar scrent arose. This comfort. No, I can't be. I turned on the night light and opened th closet door to reveal a mirror. I was wearing a snuggly black jacket that hung until it reahced my thighs. It's Suzukawa's. And because of the fact it was snuggly and not because it was suzukawa's. I closed th closet door and landed face first on my bed and drifted into deep slumber

A/N :D


Gomen: sorry

sodes: phrase in which you agreed to something

Itadakimas: pharse said before having a meal.

means: Thank you for the food or

Lets dig in.

Different Worlds (Hoshimiya Ichigo and Suzukawa Nao love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant