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I couldn't believe it when I first thought of it but I needed to know. I went to his house and rang the bell. He came out terrified and in a rush. "What are you?!" I asked. "You know " He said. "No,no I don't " I said. Yes you do, or you wouldn't be here" He said.

I drove away in fear I went to my house and in my room and shut my door. But then I realized the window was still open and stefan was in my room. I tried to run out but Stefan held the door shut and tried to tell me he wasn't gonna hurt me. I told him to go and if he didn't wanna hurt me he would leave. And I saw the regret in his eyes and he left. I immediately shut and locked my window. The next afternoon he asked me to meet him and I didn't want to at first but I needed to know more so I went.

He told me all about his daylight ring and how he eats garlic and Vervain hurts vampires. So I did learn alot about them but I don't know if I can trust him still. Then he took me to this random place in the forest to get something that he hid from Damon. He took his daylight ring and hid it so that he couldn't hurt anyone in daylight but he could still hurt them at night. "You can't give that to him, keep it hidden" I said. "I cant" Stefan said. "Why not" I said. "Because he'll hurt you if I don't return it" He replied. In that moment I realized he had emotions and love me and wouldn't hurt me. But I still didn't wanna keep secrets.

That next morning Bonnie said she was a witch and cut open my pillow and made feathers float.

I was amazed but she made me swear to secrecy I already have a big secret as it is I don't need anymore.

That day it was Stefans birthday and Caroline threw him a party at the grill and his best friends lexi showed up. I went to the grill because I wanted to be a good friend. Me and him chatted a while but then we saw lexi get dragged out by Sherriff Forbes.

We followed after them and hid. Sherriff Forbes took like 20 shots and she didn't die and then Damon stakes her. She died and it was sad and I knew stefan was sad so I didn't bother him.

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