Chapter 10 - The Crossroads That Divide Us

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A brilliant man once stated, "Love will set you free."

If that was true, then why am I here, standing in front of everyone, being invisibly chained to the presence of the one I loved? Why do I feel like I am still caged by the sorrow of her lovely guise? Why am I still locked behind closed doors by a bittersweet melody I tried hard to erase from the depths of me?

Turns out, he was not so brilliant after all.

And none of this is making sense.

In one swooping turn of events, everything seemed magnified. Entangled by the vividness of her presence yet crippled by the minuscule details of her face.

"Nice to finally see you again, Jade," she spoke, her attention pinned on my features, must've been witnessing the horror smeared all over my face. My heart skipped a beat the moment my name came out of her mouth; jerking just a little. She might have noticed it. Or not. I no longer know. Can she still discern me as much as she can before?

Her voice is strangling my thoughts, taking away the rationality from me. Her eyes burrowing inside my chest, gradually creating a gaping hole directly at that part of my life I have ran away from; that part of my life I chose to forget. Making me feel exposed. Vulnerable.

Her lips inched a smile.

My heart hammered senselessly inside my chest. My breathing was erratic. My cheeks were burning but my hands were cold. I wanted to say a word but my throat is shaky, hoarse, and unsteady.

No, this is not happening.

Not again.

Why does she still has this effect on me?

God has a really excruciating sense of humor.

I gritted my teeth, recognizing that everything I have fought so hard to bury deep within is now resurfacing by mere utterance of her name.

The room is dead silence. I must say something. I am expected to say something. Be accommodating, perhaps.

"Welcome," I cleared my throat, that puddle of apprehension pooling inside was partially relieved. "Welcome to the firm, Mrs. Davidson," formalities with a handshake will clear the awkward hush, I suppose.

Wait. Is that a frown? Did I say something that offended her? But I merely said seven words to her, all of which are cautiously calculated.

Something in Kate's eyes indicated that she didn't like what I said. Her forehead crinkled with displeasure. But it was fleeting. Swift. Almost undetectable. She gazed at the hand I offered then back at me.

She's hesitating? Is she expecting something else aside from a handshake?

I would've taken down my hand but then she grasped it, squeezing it lightly. "Actually, it's back to Ms. Vasquez now," she spoke, shaking my hand. I can feel her thumb lightly caressing my skin as her eyes peered right through me.

I withdrew my hand from hers. What the fuck is she doing?

"Ms. Vasquez," I acknowledged.

Wait, Ms. Vasquez? Now I'm confused. What happened to Frank "Honey" Davidson? Oh my god, are they what I think they are?

Does this mean that-?

"Frank and I are divorced. We've been divorced for two years."

I was searching. I was looking for any indication of pain but Kate did not exhibit any. Her voice was calm and neutral.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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