Chapter 7

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This chapter is bad, but you people wanted it. The last chapter is coming up.

Nico felt something licking his face and sat up on the couch to see Stygian. No, Percy. The memories of the night before flooded back to him.

Percy was a dog.

Stygian was Percy.

Yes, Percy was a dog, a dog that needed to go to the bathroom.

Percy whimpered and grabbed his leash with his teeth. Nico could only imagine how stupid Percy must feel by being walked on a leash and peeing in front of Manhatten, especially in front of him.

Nico slipped his shoes on and hooked Percy up on his leash. "Let's go." Percy barked and rushed out the door with Nico in tow.

When they came back, Nico quickly made breakfast with his mind full of running thoughts. He needed help from someone, someone who wouldn't think he was crazy and could figure out what Percy was saying. Chiron, of course, was the first to come to mind, hoping he would believe him enough to look into it.

Nico filled Percy's plate with food and set it down for him right before someone knocked on the door. Percy sniffed the air then started to eat. Nico took that as a sign of someone they knew.

Jason was standing there, alone this time, which surprised Nico a little. Jason always brought someone with him whenever he came over to check on him.

"You're early," Nico said. Jason frowned, "it's the afternoon."

Nico was taking aback by that. He didn't remember going to sleep late. Nico shrugged and moved out of Jason's way into the apartment. Percy looked up at him and barked a greeting before finishing off his breakfast.

"You're feeding him human food?" Jason asked. "Isn't that bad for their stomach or something?"

Nico looked at Percy, who was looking at Jason with what he guessed was a frown. Human food is better than dog food.

Nico then was reminded of his situation. Percy was a dog and didn't know if there was a way to get him human again. It frustrated Nico to the point of tears, which frustrated him more. He didn't want to cry anymore, he was sick of the crying.

"Are you okay Nico?" Jason said suddenly. Nico looked from the floor to Jason, then to Percy.

"Um, yeah. Can I tell you something without you thinking I'm crazy?"

Jason frowned, "why would I think you're crazy?"

Percy trotted over to Nico's side and pushed his nose into Nico's palm to go on.

Nico looked at Percy and Jason's eyes followed his gaze, "this is Percy."

Jason looked up at Nico, then his face became blank. Nico sucked in a breath, "I'm serious. I don't know what happened but he is a dog now and I need help getting him back."

Percy whined and licked Nico's hand as if that would reassure him.

Jason sighed, "Nico... please. Don't make this hard."

Nico set his jaw and glared at Jason. "What? You think I'm making this up? That I'm crazy? Do you honestly think I would do something like that?"

Percy growled at Jason and hit his leg with his paw. Jason looked surprised, he'd never been hit by a dog before. Nico would've laughed at it if he wasn't so angry.

"Nico. I don't think you're crazy. Nor do I think you would make up something like this. But I hope you understand that I do need proof before I believe that Percy has come back to life as a dog."

Nico unclenched his jaw. It made sense, of course, he needed proof.

Percy suddenly moved from his side and into the bedroom. Nico and Jason followed him, Nico just as curious to see what the dog will do as Jason.

Percy stopped at the nightstand and grabbed the handle with his teeth. The drawer crashed to the floor along all the contents and Nico thanked his lucky stars he moved the bottle of lubricant to the other drawer a few weeks before.

Percy gently grabbed Riptide with his teeth and sat in front of Jason.

Nico felt his lungs deflate quicker than usual. Percy always put the pen in the drawer when he wasn't wearing pants, so when Chiron gave it to him, Nico just put it back.

Jason knelt and looked at Percy. Percy put the pen on the floor between them and raised his paw on Jason's arm. His paw just slid back to the floor, but it was enough to make Jason smile.

He wrapped his arms around Percy's smaller body and squeezed until Percy whimpered. "Sorry," Jason said and pulled back. His smile disappeared. "Why did this happen?"

"I don't know. That's what I'm trying to figure out." Nico ran a hand through his hair to stop himself from shaking. "We need someone who can translate what he's saying. Maybe Percy knows exactly what's going on."

There were only a few people they knew who could talk to animals. Grover, Coach Hedge, and possibly Frank. But Grover was off doing some nature stuff in Montana, and Coach Hedge was on a family vacation. So their best bet was to get Frank over as soon as possible.

"Frank maybe? We could send an Iris Message and see if he could come over." Nico wondered if that would be their best option. They needed a way to talk to Percy to know what he knows.

"I'll go message him," Jason said and got up to the bathroom. Percy and Nico had made a system with the shower and a flashlight for Iris Messaging.

Nico sighed and pet Percy down the back of his neck. He picked up the drawer and put all the spilled items back before Jason returned.

"I don't think he fully believes me, but he said he would come over early tomorrow morning."

"He can't come over today?" Nico asked, getting impatient. "Nico, he's in California. He's also busy dealing with all the new campers coming in. Reyna said she could handle it for a few days but he would still need to get across the country."

Nico sighed/groaned and looked at Percy. Unlike Nico, Percy didn't seem stressed out. Sad, sure. Who wouldn't be if they were turned into a dog and had to watch all the people they cared about mourn their death? But it puzzled Nico to see Percy so calm.

"Fine," Nico said through gritted teeth. "I'll wait until tomorrow."

Jason smiled sympathetically at Nico, then sat down on the floor by Percy.

They talked for a while, figuring out what they could do and how it had been Percy to whole time since the therapist meeting.

Then Piper showed up. "Jason," she said over the Iris Message. Jason turned to her, "hey what's up?"

"I thought you'd be back by now. It's almost time for dinner." Jason looked surprised for a moment. "Oh, okay I'm coming," Piper smiled and greeted Nico before ending the Message.

"Um, I guess I got to go. But I'll tell Chiron tonight. I'm coming over first thing in the morning and bringing him with me." Nico nodded and watched Jason leave.

Percy whimpered and nudged Nico's jaw. Nico hugged his arms around his neck and buried his face into his fur. Percy shifted like he was uncomfortable. "What's wrong?" Percy barked and jumped up to grab his leash.


Nico laid in bed with Percy lying beside him. Percy seemed to already be falling asleep, but Nico just laid there. On one hand, Nico was glad to have Percy in his arms again, on the other; he wanted Percy as Percy, not a dog. He wanted to hear his voice and feel his skin. He missed his sense of humor and kisses, he really wanted Percy back. 

I'm sorry for how choppy this was. However, it's done and I can't be more relieved. 

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