Leo had managed to sleep until dawn, and that he had lost track of time. When he opened his eyes it was after ten o'clock. He jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. What poor bodyguard he was . He had bring Hakyeon in his room last night and made sure he was still asleep. Then he went to his room to rest. Here is the result. He got up late and could jeopardize its reputation. He dressed quickly after his shower and left his room. Down the stairs, he met Ravi and Hongbin. They seemed worried. " What is happening ? "He asked. Ravi who was pacing stopped before him. "Hakyeon came out this morning without asking permission," he said. Leo remained in shock. He remembered Hakyeon's words the last evening. No he did not dare? This man had really the gift to make him angry. He rushed on his phone and dialed his boss number. No answer. "I called this morning, but I have no answer. My only hope is that Ken is with him, "said Ravi. Leo could not restrain his anger. This man did he really want to get killed? He still dialed the phone number of his boss again but still no response. Leo began to reflect. He had to try to find where Hakyeon went. "Hongbin where do Hakyeon usually go? "He asked. " I do not know. He always changes places. But he likes go shopping to buy new clothes. Do you think he is safe? "Said Hongbin. "I'm not sure we'll hoped that he will do anything stupid," said Ravi. The sound of an engine was heard at that time. Ravi and Hongbin rushed to the door. Leo was too much anger to confront his boss. He had to calm down or he might kill him on the spot.

Hakyeon saw Ravi rushing toward him in fury. He expected it, but he needed this outlet to clear his head. He did not want to remember his prisoner status. Because of death threats, he had to have a bodyguard and be monitored at all times. Yet he did not want to be afraid all the time. Seing Leo reminded him every day that he might die. So he fled his presence. He had slipped out in the morning and had brought Ken with him. He had made him promise not to tell Ravi. He just wanted to talk and think about simple things like what color shirt was better with the color of his eyes. He had a lot of fun with Ken but now, he was facing the consequences. " Where were you ? "Ravi shouted. "I have the right to go out like everyone else. I'm big enough and you're not my father, "he said in defense. He walked quickly to go to his room, but as soon as he set foot in the room, he realized he would face worse than Ravi. Leo was in anger. Hakyeon took fright at the sight of his cold eyes, but he tried to not let it show. " Where were you ? Why are you out without telling me? "Leo asked coldly. Hakyeon glared at him. "I do not take orders from you," he said. But he had hardly finished his sentence that he felt deadlift. Leo put it on his shoulders and walked to his room. "Let me get down," yelled Hakyeon. He tried to give him kicks, but Leo was much stronger than him. He felt thrown on his bed. Since when Leo did behave in this manner towards him? he asked himself. Hakyeon quickly got to his feet and ran toward the door. Leo took him in his arms and laid him in bed using his weight. Hakyeon could not move. Leo weighed all his weight on him. "Starting today when I say to do something, then you do it. If you are not able to behave in responsible adult so I'll treat you like a child to educate. In punishment for your childish behavior, you will remain in your room and i ban out you to go out without my consent. Is that understood? "Leo said. Hakyeon still wanted to fight. There was no way that Leo tells him what to do. Yet, he could not say any word before the force of his gaze. Leo clung more to him and repeted his question. Hakyeon was now too aware of the body of his bodyguard again his. He could feel his muscles through his clothes and this made him blush . What was happening to him? Leo left him when he nodded his head, but Hakyeon could still feel the warmth of his body against his. He put his hand to his cheek. It was far too hot. On the other side of the piece, Leo closed the door of Hakyeon's room but he could not calm down. He needed a cold shower.

" Are you OK ? "Ken asked by sms. "No I'm not well," said Hakyeon. " What is happening ? "Ken sent by sms. "My heart does not stop beating fast in my chest," said Hakyeon. "Are you afraid alone? "Ken asked. "No ... um ... it's as if I was not able to breathe properly after crossing his eyes," said Hakyeon. "The eyes? "Ken asked. "The eyes of the new assistant," said Hakyeon. Ken smiled. His boss, would he be attracted to his new bodyguard? "Are you angry against him? "Ken asked. " I do not know. Currently I have trouble understanding my emotions. And you ? Do you have problems because of me? "Asked Hakyeon. "Yes, Ravi dared to shout at me and also locked me in my room. I am angry against him, I do not want to see him anymore"Ken sent by sms. "I'm sorry Ken," said Hakyeon. "It was not your fault, and then we had a lot of fun kékékékéké" Ken sent. Ken heard at that time, a knock at the door of his room. " Who is it ? "He asked. "It's me Ravi" said a hoarsely voice. "Go away, I do not want to see you" Ken yelled. But instead of leaving, Ravi opened the door of his room and walked toward him. Ken was too angry to talk to him so he went under the covers and gave his back. "Ken, do you still angry against me? "Asked Ravi. No answer. "So I'm sorry to yell at you. But I was so scared for you and Hakyeon "said Ravi. Still no answer. Ken felt him sit by his bed and Ravi then pulled something from his pocket. "I thought to give it to you tomorrow, but I think it's the perfect time. I apologize Ken, "he said, handing him a small black box. Ken wanted to continue to be angry at him, but his curiosity took over. He took the box and opened it. His surprise was great. He remembered this pin. He had looked at him for minutes before the window of a shop during an outing with Hakyeon and Ravi. The next day, he returned to buy it but he was told that the pin was already sold. It was so sad. And now he realized that Ravi had bought it for him. Under the joy, Ken forgot his rancor and threw himself into the arms of Ravi. "Thank you ... thank you, I wanted to have it so much," he said, shaking Ravi in ​​his arms. He wanted to give him a kiss on the cheek to thank him, but Ravi who was not expecting it moved his head, and Ken felt his lips settle on those of Ravi. He had just kissed Ravi. In shock, they quickly departed from each other. Ken blushed. He could not look into the eyes of Ravi. "Um .... I'm glad you like it. I ... I think I'll let you rest, "said Ravi fleeing the room. Ken touched his lips, the same who came to touch the soft skin of Ravi. What had he done? How would he look into his eyes now?

Another new chapter. How do you find it ? Neo begins to be closeeeeeeeeeeeee and Raken too. As always I welcome your comments "33

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