Chapter 21: Despair Is My Enemy, But Love Is My Friend

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Okay, maybe this is a little abrupt, and I didn't say earlier, but this is the last chapter. I originally had three more maybe planned, but you guys would hate me for the ending xD I couldn't leave you hanging when the sequel I would write wouldn't be posted for a while. That would be cruel.

So, this is the alternate ending to the story, and I hope you all enjoy this ^-^



So, it's been a few, maybe three and a half, weeks since Erik shot Alexandre dead. Of course, I wasn't around when he properly disposed of the body. I had mixed emotions about it all; sure, he was my brother, and I kind of felt for him in a way, but he was also vile and damaged. He would never have survived much longer anyways.

Speaking of survival...

My mother was slowly recovering. Now, she was conscious, but only for a couple hours. She claimed she was exhausted constantly, and she couldn't remember anything from that night or in between. Her wounds were healing more, but most of them still appeared open and raw. Mine were gone, save for the scars here and there. But the mental beating I took still remained, as did within my mother.

In addition, my mother was never awake when Erik would be near or in the vicinity. I didn't think anything of it really, and neither did he. He does tend to have that effect on people; make them nervous or afraid. But every time I'd mention his name to her, she'd smile, not pale.

On the topic of Erik, he has given me something to secure our engagement. A beautiful, diamond encrusted ring, shining light the sun itself. It was a beautiful piece of jewelry, and he said it was for someone just as beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes to hear him say that. In my life, I have never had someone show me my own self worth, until Erik came along. He showed me that I was not a beast, and that I was his perfect match in life. Be it we fight sometimes, but we'd always push past it. He was stubborn, and I was snarky. Fights were bound to happen.

And I was slightly nervous about today. There could actually be a fight not long from now after what I have to share with him. Erik might not catch right away, but the full moon has passed, and I haven't changed. It seems as if the pregnancy, the further I get into it, makes the change dormant. I don't have to go through the transformation, and my mother hasn't either. She's not pregnant, but maybe the situation has taken a toll on her body. Maybe she's free of the curse.

"Here you go, Maman," I said and put the tray full of breakfast down on her lap in bed. She looked up at me gratefully, smiling. Something I haven't seen in a while.

"Thank you, Charlotte," she beckoned me to sit beside her, and I did. Her hand came over mine and gave it a squeeze. "I love you, you know that?"

"Yes," I replied, somewhat cautious of her tone. "I love you too."

Her eyes just looked me over, taking all my details in. The worry I was feeling worked its way to my face. "Maman? What is it?"

She smiled slightly and looked down at our hands. "It's nothing, sweetheart. I just won't be around forever, and I want you to know that I love you."

"You're leaving again?" My heart dropped low, panic stirring in my stomach.

"No," she said quickly, gripping my hands tightly. "No, of course not. I'm staying with you, if that's okay."

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