Chapter 16: Surprise

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This one took longer to upload only because the next chapter is long ;) sorry for the wait, but here it is! I hope you all like it, and vote and comment!!! ❤️



It felt like heaven; I swore it was. Last night was the most wonderful bliss I've ever felt in my life. All the happiness and love I've never been given in life came to me all at once at the touch of Charlotte's skin. When she first initiated our moment, I felt the fear slip away and replace with love. I trusted her to carry me through the unknown of happiness.

And she did it well.

I noticed the way she allowed me to have the dominance of the night. She allowed me to act my own way and experiment what I wanted. But I was never selfish about it. Not once did I ignore her silent suggestions or moves. Every so often, she would take the lead and show me new things, and from her, I sure did learn a lot.

Charlotte was sleeping soundly next to me, her long arms circled about my waist. Her eyes were shut peacefully in sound slumber, and the silky porcelain of her skin gleamed with beauty under the dim lighting. I carefully reached from around her head and brushed the stray locks of hair from her eyes. I was still trying to wrap my finger around the whole thing;

She loved me. She had me and loved me the entire time without faltering. How could someone as beautiful as her want something such as me? How was I able to catch her heart like so?

They were questions I would never fully understand the answer to.

My heart filled with warmth when I caught her waking up. The way she turned her head and wrinkled her nose, while inhaling deeply and stretching out her legs, got to me. As her eyes fluttered open, I gazed into both of her beautiful emeralds with love. Oh, I was the luckiest man on Earth now.

She hummed and smiled timidly, "Erik, quit watching me." Her sleepy laughter made my chest fill with butterflies. She was an angel. "I look like a dead woman in the mornings."

I raised my eyebrows. "Not in my eyes, and in no one else's," I retorted, letting a smile grace my lips. "You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, morning and night."

"As are you," she sang, reaching her free arm up to touch my face. I went tense only for a moment before she relieved my muscles with her soft fingers upon my cheek. "You keep neglecting your own self image, Erik, and it's no good for you. If you actually see how beautiful and good you are, you would feel so much better about yourself."

I looked down, slightly shameful. She was right; she always was. There's no denying that she was always right whenever her beautiful voice sounded. But how could I believe it myself? How could I look in the mirror, take in my ugliness, and learn to love it? It was so repulsing that my own mother couldn't love me. So, how could I learn?

Charlotte must have read my thoughts because she slipped out from under the covers and stood before me. Her flawless skin shone bare and beautiful in front of me, and I couldn't help my eyes from trailing her body. She smiled and slid her index finger under my jaw, raising my head. Her eyes held a glint of mischief in them, but a perplexingly good kind. The tug of her hands pulling me off the bed with her made me stand too.

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