"Good morning son" Dad replied with a curt nod "Liam, you do remember that you're supposed to be dropping Christina to the airport right?"

"Yeah." He said looking at me smiling wide.

"Chrissy I hope you're ready. I'm just going to go change and then we could leave." he said

"Okay cool. I'll be waiting." I said going back to the butter croissants.

After a while mom came back telling me that all the arrangements for my travel were prepared and my luggage was on the way to our private jet. 

Dad gave me some details about the apartment he had bought for me and some papers I may need once I reach there otherwise everything was planned and I was set to go. Just as my dad came to an end about the explanations he was giving me, Liam entered the room saying he was ready to go when I was.

With that I said my goodbyes to Mom and Dad and walked out of our mansion with my brother and  my medium sized bag which was slung around my back which had all my essentials for a one day journey.  

 When we got in the car, the beginning of the journey towards the airport was in silence. A little later Liam decided to talk some with me and so he was cracking some jokes at which we both laughed a lot. He told me how he would keep in touch with me through skype and that he would tease me even though we would be about 8000 miles away. At that I punched him on his arm in advance for being such an ass to me.

As Liam pulled to a stop in the private sector of the airport where all the private jets were parked, he turned to me and said

"Chrissy, listen. I would just like to tell you one thing before you go have a life you want."

"I'm listening Liam, please continue" I said rolling my eyes knowing exactly what he was going to say. 

 "You know what I'm gonna say don't you? Anyway the only thing I want to tell you is that don't be pig headed and stay within your apartment. Try going out and be a sport okay? This time of your life will never come back. The freedom, the peace, the fun. This is a one time opportunity for you to prove yourself that you can be better than a one track mind person. Will you do that?"

"Li, I don't know why you're telling me all this but thanks. I really appreciate it and all but I think I'm grown enough to understand whats good for me and whats not. If I have to regret something later in life its going to be entirely my fault not yours so let me be okay?" I told him matter of factly.

"Well I guess your right on that huh" He said letting out a short laugh. Then he shrugged and smilingly said to me "Anyway little sister I hope you have a great time there and I hope you find someone there who'll finally change your mind." 

"Yep" I said popping the 'p' at the end.

"Come on lets walk you to your ride." He said showing his hand in a come along gesture.

I got down from our convertible and walked a few steps into the the parking space for our jet. Once all the formalities were settled Liam said his goodbyes to me and once again told me to think about what he told me previously to which I just for the show of it nodded my head and thought this is why I call my brother nosy and an even bigger ass. 

I got into the jet and settled myself on my seat, when the pilots voice came through the speakers that said he was going to be taking off within a few minutes. Since I was traveling alone for the first time my dad had insisted me to take along two guards with me so that he knew I was safer that way. They wouldn't be living with me obviously but they would be keeping an eye on me as and when I moved out of the house. 

I had carried along a few books with me in my in flight bag that I was planning to read during the eight hour journey to Questel. 

Just as the flight took off I started reading my first book. I read for about an hour after which I immediately fell asleep.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I was woken up by one of the air hostesses who served for us. She said it was almost lunch time and that she would serve the lunch my mom had insisted to take with me. 

I told her to get in the food within a few minutes until then I went and freshened up some.

After lunch was done, I thought of going back to my book but then I shoved that thought aside and fell back to sleep thinking it would be better that way once I reach Questel. Once I reach there I would be able to go look around my neighbourhood, maybe have some traditional food.

Thinking what all I would do and what not I drifted to sleep with an unconscious state of happiness.






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