{Part One} Chapter 8:

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As pinky promised, I called Luke...18 times before I realized that he wasn't going to pick up. "Goddamn it Luke pick the fuck up!" 

I dialed his number for the 19th time and on the fourth ring he answered. "Finally dude. What, were you like 1000 miles away from your phone?" I teased. 

"Carissa? This is Calum and I want to know what the fuck you did to Luke! This morning he was all happy and excited to go see you! Thirty minutes later he comes back all depressed and pissed off he threw his phone in the kitchen amd locked himself in his room, he hasn't been out since." Calum explained. 

"Nothing really. I had a new neighbor move in so I was helping him and he told me something really personal and painful for him so I gave him a hug and Luke came in and apparantly thought I was trying to dry hump him and then he was a complete dick to Ky for no reason so I told him to leave." I explained. 

"He likes you, he was jealous, duh!" Calum said. 

"No he doesn't. We went over this yesterday Luke told me he doesn't have any feelings for me because we haven't spent enough personal time together." 

"Well that's complete bullshit, trust me he likes you Carissa a lot." 

"Why do people keep saying that?" I asked aloud. 

"Maybe because its true." Calum said. 

"Right." I said slowly and rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn't see me. Then I heard a tap on my window and my mind immediately went to my dream earlier this morning. 


I opeaned my curtains and was a little dissapointed when I saw it was only Ky. "Hey?" 


"Ky its almost ten at night what do you want." 

"I wanted to make sure you called Luke." 

"Carissa why is Ky with you at this time of night?" Calum asked over the phone. 

"Wait are you on the phone with Luke now?" Ky asked. 

"No I'm on the phone with one of his band members, Calum. I called Luke's phone 18 times, he didnt answer but I still called again and Calum answered." I explained.

"Hello why is Ky with you!" Calum asked again.

"Oh well hey I bet it'll be impossible for him to stay mad at you forever. And besides he's gotta answer you sooner or later." Ky said and patted my head.

"Don't. Touch. My. Hair!" I snapped.



"Why is Ky with you at 10 at night!" Calum asked annoyed.

"He wanted to make sure I called Luke." I said simply.

"Well tell him he's a good friend." Calum said.

"Thanks dude!" Ky yelled.

"Am I on speaker?" Calum asked.

"Maybe." I said quickly.

"Okay well I gotta-."

"Calum what are you doing with my phone!" I heard Luke yell in the background.

"Nothing...just talking to someone."

"Well that's what your own damn phone is for." Luke snapped.

"Gimme the phone!"


"Calum! Give me the phone!"


"Its my phone dumbass, give it!"

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