"Truth or dare!", we all looked at each other

"Sure", I simply answered as Mingyu picked up a bottle and started to spin. It landed on Mingyu first.

"I'm gonna ask the question", Hyungwon stated

"Mingyu, truth or dare?"

"Ehm... truth"

"Okay, are you and Hyeri still together?"

"Well that's a stupid question, of course she and Ming-", I looked at Mingyu's expression and stopped talking immediately.

"Come on Mingyu, you chose truth so answer me", Hyungwon demanded as Mingyu sighed

"Actually, Hyeri noona and I broke up yesterday", he looked at me

"What? Why?!", I stared at Mingyu widely as he shook his head

"You can't ask any question, my turn is done", he stuck his tongue out as I crossed my arms

"You're going to explain this later young man", I glared at Mingyu

He spinned the bottle... it landed on me. Wonwoo is the one to ask the question.

"Truth or dare?", he asked me

"Truth!", I cheered as Wonwoo smiled

"From all of Seventeen, list your top 3 and exclude your brother", he concluded

"Oh this is fun. Hyung don't be so tense", Mingyu teased Hyungwon who cleared his throat

"Hm okay well, number 3 is probably Hoshi because he's such a fun to be with. The second is Seungcheol! Because he's very charismatic and kind", Hyungwon shot me a look but I just shrugged

"And the honorable first place is...", Mingyu made a drumrolls sound

"It's Wonwoo. He has this deep voice and a really nice face features", I pointed at him as I saw him blushed a bit. I looked over at Hyungwon immediately

"It's just a list, it doesn't represent anything", I nudged him as he shrugged. I love teasing him.

"I know, I'm okay with it", he is so lying.

The bottle spinned again and it landed on Wonwoo.

"I'm gonna ask this time! Truth or dare hyung?", Mingyu cheered

"Uhm... dare?", he looked unsure

"Oh oh! I dare you to kiss Aira noona in the cheek for five seconds!", Hyungwon suddenly held my hand tightly.

"YAH!", Both Hyungwon and I yelled

"Yah Mingyu, are you kidding me?", Wonwoo stated as his eyes pointing at a now alarmed Hyungwon. I glared at Mingyu as well as he just chuckled.

"It's not my fault you said dare"

Wonwoo stood up and slowly approached me. He gulped real hard as his eyes were looking at Hyungwon. Hyungwon's face is unreadable which is frightening.

He sat beside me and whispered 'I'm sorry' as I nodded. He closed the gap between us and about to kiss my cheek until Mingyu yelled stop.

"Okay that's enough! Hyung you can get back here. I won't make you do the dare", I'm practically furious at my brother as Wonwoo sighed in relief.

"That's not funny at all", Hyungwon coldly muttered as both Mingyu and Wonwoo shivered.

"It's payback, hyung", Minggyu crossed his arms as Hyungwon chuckled.

"Okay, I'll spin the bottle", It landed on Hyungwon.

"Truth or dare babe?", I tried to be a loving girlfriend so he won't explode at my childish brother's prank. Thank god his face softens.

"Dare", he confidently smirked as I chuckled. You chose wrong Chae..

"Okay I dare you to hug Wonwoo and have a love shot with him", Mingyu burst out laughing as both of them stare at each other

"Wah you both are the same", Hyungwon shook his head

"You guys wanted me dead", Wonwoo shivered as I laughed

Both of the guys stood up and the awkwardness is real here. They did the love shot first and I took a picture of it. Then they hugged each other. Hyungwon glared at me as he sat down while Wonwoo looked scared as hell.

My mom suddenly called us

"Kids, let's go home! It's late already", she yelled as we stood up and put off the fire.

Hyungwon's parents, Hyungwon and I are in the same car while my family and Wonwoo are on the other car. His dad said he will drive and that we should just rest.

"I had fun today", I whispered to Hyungwon as he smiled

"Me too", he ruffled my hair

"About Minggyu, how did you know that he and Hyeri broke up? Did he tell you?", I said in a low voice as he shook his head

"Nope but I knew something was up when Minggyu suddenly brought Wonwoo. Hyeri never turned down Minggyu's request especially like this", he concluded

"Now that you mentioned it, it does seemed off. Why didn't I realize it sooner?", I shook my head in disappointment as he chuckled

"Because you're such an ignorant pabo", I lightly hit his arm

"Whatever, Chae", I faked pouting as Mrs. Chae called Hyungwon.

"Son, have you tell Aira yet?", she turned around and smiled at us

"Tell me what?", I looked to Mrs. Chae then to Hyungwon as he sighed

"Mom, can I just tell her tomorrow?", I am even more confused now

"Procrastinating is not a good habit son! Go on tell her, I'm sure she will be thrilled"

Hyungwon looked at me apologetically.

"They moved the wedding date forward", Hyungwon held my hand as I faked a smile. I can't let Mrs. Chae or Hyungwon knew I'm upset.

"Oh okay then, to when?", I avoided their gaze as she answered

"Well I'm not sure yet but it has to be this year", she said and turned to face forward

I immediately let go of Hyungwon's hand and stare at the window to hide my emotions.

I'm honestly so sick of being pushed to talk about marriage everyday. I know I should be happy and I wanted to be with Hyungwon too but there's something inside my heart that disapproved.

Mission 2: Marry Chae Hyungwon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now