Chapter 11

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I woke to someone gently shaking me awake. I blinked and rolled over to face whoever it was; Tobias.

"I'm not really in the mood for moving, talking, eating, kissing or anything related to any of those things," I grumbled before rolling back over. I haven't gotten out of bed in two days and I didn't feel like it.

Everything that I had once knew was gone. Everyone I cared for gone. Tobias was always busy with Ray and princely duties that I was left alone. I just felt useless and alone.

"It does and you do not get a choice in this," he laughed. "I have taken the day off, I am determined to cheer you up."

"I do-"

"Mia will help you," Tobias said before I could finish the sentence. I groaned and rolled over finding Mia waiting with a patient smile.

"Do I really have to move?" I groaned. She nodded and pulled a half frozen water bottle from behind her back. I groaned again and got up begrudgingly.

"Shower and I will leave your outfit on the bed," Mia said motioning me towards the door. I took my shower and shaved before going into my room. There was an outfit on my bed. It was a bathing suit, a hater top with a stringy type bottom. The top was blue and white and pink design with neon pink bottoms to match. The back was a corset type lace up with crossed strings.

I pulled on a white sundress and sandals and sat on the bed again. Mia was waiting silently watching with a kind smile. She did my hair in a loose braid and didn't put any make up on just handed me some chap stick.

"Are you decent in there?" Tobias asked from outside the door. I called a yes and he walked in wearing a white t shirt and a pair of black swimming trunks. He was smiling down at me. "Ready?"

"Yes," I said with a small smile. I stood and took his outstretched hand pulling myself closer to him and his scent. I found myself missing it when he was not around.

"Close your eyes and hold tight," he whispered putting his arms around me. I hugged him tight squeezing my eyes shut as i felt the wind grow stronger for a moment.

"Open your eyes," Tobias whispered to me brushing my  hair out of my face. I pulled away slowly and looked around it. We were on a beach; white sand, clear blue water, cloudless sky. There was a blanket with a basket on it near by.

I laughed and smiled up at him. "You did all of this for me?" i asked. He smiled and nodded, leaning down to kiss me gently.

"I've been worried about you," he whispered. "I miss E.J. she was great."

I laughed at him. "Thank you," i smiled.

"It's our day to relax and catch some sun," he smiled that crooked grin. "Let's enjoy it." He took my hand and brought me over to the blanket. i took off the sun dress and sandals while Tobias removed his shirt.

I had never seen him without his shirt before, i didn't mind the view. He was well toned and had the perfect v at his hips. I turned away a little biting my lip. I should not be staring, I shouldn't even be thinking about it.

"I saw that," Tobias laughed, making the blush rise further to my cheeks. As if i wasn't embarrassed enough. "Don't worry, i didn't mind it." I threw the sundress at him laughing. He caught it dropping it to the floor. He pulled me closer putting his hands on my hips, my arms went around his neck playing with his hair.

"Can i ask you something?" he asked his voice a whisper.

"Maybe," i said quietly. "Depends on what you wanna know."

He slowly moved his hand up my back to the place where my neck met my shoulder and taped gently. it was where my tattoo sat from my time in the whore house. "What does this mean?" I felt my heart catch before pounding in my chest.

"The house liked to mark their property," i whispered pulling his hand away from it. His eyes were wide as he looked at me, not knowing was killing him. "Ask what you need," i whispered.

"Are you sure?" Tobias whispered. "I'm not going to force you to tell me if you do not want me to know." I sat on the blanket and pulled him down next to me. I took his hands in mine, and made him look at me.

"Ask what you need to," i said my voice strong despite my shaking hands. "It's about time i talked about it anyway."

"What happened?"

"That's a very broad question," i laughed. He smiled a little still worried about me. "Specific starting point please."

"The beginning," he said. "i want to know everything." I laughed and smiled nodding.

"Specific enough for me." I took a sip of the water that was in the basket and turned to lean against Tobias, his arms wrapped around me, protecting me.

I'm safe. "My parents kicked me out when i was ten," i said quietly. I felt like i was going to be sick. I had never told anyone but Mac about this and that was years about.  "Well they didn't kick me out, more they sold me to the pleasure house. I didn't touch anyone for two years and then worked till i was fourteen. The house liked to mark those of us who belonged to them to make sure that everyone knew. I worked there till i was fifteen when Mac and i had saved up enough money to buy me away from Logan."

"How'd you meet Mac?" Tobias whispered. He had started rubbing soothing circles on my arm and knee trying to keep me calm.

"He came in to the house one day, he was a servant to one of the men at the castle." Tobias nodded and waited for me to continue my story. "After that we became friends and i lived where i could. He had a family and a home to go to and i didn't want to ruin what he had. I lived where i could on the streets avoiding everything and everyone. I became a great thief and leaned how to fight to try and get some money for myself. I skipped the Lorem Hodie last year to steal some food from the rich and got caught this year. Luckily the guard thought i was just a nervous teenage girl and escorted me inside but hey it could be worse."

Tobias laughed a little holding me tight. He kissed my shoulder sending goosebumps over my skin. "I'm glad he did," Tobias whispered against my skin. I turned in his arms and looked at him. His short light brown hair just long enough to run my fingers through, his stormy blue eyes that i loose myself in every time i look into them, the dimples in his cheeks when i make him laugh.

"You're staring at me," Tobias said breaking through my trance. I blinked at him smiling a little.
"What?" he laughed.

"I just got distracted," i smiled, "That's all."

"By what?" he smiled, his dimples growing deeper making me smile.

"You," i smiled just before i kissed him pulling him gently closer. He moved easily leaning into me more pressing his lips to mine, the kiss growing deeper.

From Thief to Princess (Book One in the Lorem Hodie series)Where stories live. Discover now