"I see you've got your nose in a book, as usual," Blake commented, grinning as he went to my side.

    His eyes went to the table and he immediately began to frown as he saw the books I was reading. Flushing, I realized how odd it was for me to be reading about werewolves. 

    "Why are you reading about werewolves?" Blake asked, looking confused as he looked back at me.

"I... Well, you know I'm obsessed with werewolves," I said, being slightly honest. "Could you blame me for wanting to learn more about them?"

Blake didn't respond and he stared at me. He was analyzing me, searching for the truth, and I looked away. I hated lying, but sometimes you had to lie in order to protect.

"Cool," Blake eventually said, bringing my attention back to him. "Did you find anything interesting?"

"A lot." I smiled. "Werewolves are pretty interesting creatures."

"You can say that again," he muttered so quietly I barely heard him.


He shook his head. "Nothing."

Blake pulled a chair to my side and sat down. I stared at him, wondering what he meant, but he wouldn't meet my eyes. Due to that, I decided to drop the topic.

"How come you're here?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I was bored."

"But you hate reading."

"But I hate being bored more."

    Blake grinned, and everything went back to normal. I smiled back, happy that although I had lost my old best friend, I found a new one. Even if it wasn't the same, it was something.

    "You know, you shouldn't be on your own so much," Blake said. "With The Demons on the loose, you have to be careful."

    My heart stuttered at the mention of The Demons. Wanting to know more about them, I decided to ask Blake if he knew about them.

    "What exactly are The Demons?" I asked. "Like what did they do and why are they so dangerous?"

     "They're a gang of murderers. Serial killers is what I heard, actually," Blake answered. "Rumour is they don't even use weapons when killing. It's all physical combat."

    I frowned at that, imagining wolf Haiden attacking. My gut twisted and although killing anyone was wrong no matter what, the idea of serial killing made me nauseous. It didn't make sense for Haiden to kill for no reason, but nothing made sense at the moment.

"So they just kill people for the fun of it?" I asked. "That's... Messed up."

"They're horrible people, Luna. Messed up, like you said." Blake's eyes hardened. "There's another rumour that they killed an entire village."

"What?" My jaw dropped. "An entire village!"

Blake nodded and I paled. Nausea was all I could feel and closing my eyes, I told myself that this was a dream. A nightmare and all I needed to do was wake up.

"Are you okay?" Blake asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. Although I wasn't, I nodded. The world was proving to be a horrible place, which was exactly what I thought it was five years ago. Haiden had changed my perspective and I teared up, knowing he was now one of the horrible things in the world.

"Be careful," Blake said, tilting my chin up so I'd look at him. "Luna, make sure you stay away from The Demons."

    Blake's eyes were pleading, as if he thought I'd run up to them, which led to me nodding vigorously. I had a bad feeling I had been too obvious with my research and questions, but with my heart still despairing, I could barely care.

    "That's my girl," Blake said softly, ruffling my hair.

    I didn't say anything as all I could think about was Haiden. He had proven to be dangerous and I questioned if I should see him anymore. Every sign I had been getting lately had been telling me not to, but yet, I had a feeling that my Haiden was more than what others were making him out to be. He was more than what he was trying to show me and like the idiot I was, I still had faith in him.

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