3. Party crasher

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Michael's POV

"Oh no, I can't have this," I said to myself, stuck on the fact that my babies are over there with him.

I got up and left the studio, I can't get over my feelings. I decided to join this pool party. Invited or not, I'm going. He should be happy to have me there, I'm Michael Jackson. Ok that was cocky. I laughed to myself. Let me go.

I made it home and looked through Justice's files to find this party of his. Once I found them and seen that it was a pool party, I understood why Justice had on the cover up and why Mikey had sunscreen on. I smirked to myself, oh yeah this is gonna be fun.

I changed into some trunks and no shirt, she can resist my chest. I have this all planned out. I'm not stupid and August is not slick, Justice is mine. And she knows that. I looked up the address and use Siri to take me there.

"Ugh hush!" I groaned at Siri as I pulled into the driveway, which was filled with different cars.

"Time to make some bitches mad," I said trying to be serious but I laughed at myself.

I went and knocked on the door. Justice opened the door with Mikey on her hip. "Hey babe..?" She kinda asked as a question, obviously surprised to see me.

"Hey baby..." I smirked as she looked down at my bare chest. She just starred hungrily. I chuckled. "Baby?"

"Huh? Oh, what are you doing here baby, wait how do you know where this is?"

I thought of a quick lie. "The internet is a powerful thing."

She laughed. "Come in," she said as I grabbed little Mikey out her arms.

"Hey there little Michael," I smiled tickling him.

"Hey there big Michael," he smiled giggling. He hugged onto my neck.

"Awe, my babies," Justice chimed in. She always melted at the fact that we were parents. It's just now sinking in for her.

I chuckled and shook my head as we walked further in. We walked to the backyard and to the pool. I saw August laughing, ugh.

Justice walked over to him smiling while Mikey and I followed. "Aug, look who stopped by," she smiled.

August looked up and smirked while standing up. "Hey Michael..."

"August..." I said deciding to be mature about all of this.

He cleared his throat. "Enjoy the party!" He smiled. "Umm, Justice I want you to meet some people, they're looking to get a party done," I watched him walk away, he grabbed Justice's waist and looked back at me smirking.

"Son of a-"

"No no, bad word!" Mikey covered my mouth. I sighed then smiled at Mikey.


"Mikey, wanna go swimming with mommy?!" Justice smiled picking him up and kissing his little cheeks.

"Yay, mommy!" He smiled and she walked to the kiddy pool and sat him in. He flapped his arms while she splashed water on him.

I smiled having an idea and walked over to them. I started playing with them and threw water at Justice. She threw it back and we were having a full out water splashing war.

"Michael," she giggled. I smirked watching August look at us, he laughed and kept on talking, it didn't faze him.

"C'mere baby," I smiled and pulled her into a kiss. I pulled away and looked at August, he looked a little upset and I smiled.

"I'm about to dive," Justice said snapping me out of it.

"Oh ok babe," I smiled as she ran off to the diving board. Everybody in the pool moved out the way as she got ready.

She jumped once then she jump high and dived in. I smiled, it was really good.

"That was perfect Justice, how'd you learn that?" I heard August say.

"You taught me dumb nut," she joked, giggling. They used to do all this stuff when they were dating...

He laughed and got in swimming near her. "Remember this?" He said grabbing her waist and lifting her on his shoulders.

She squealed and laughed. "Ahh, I loved this! Are you gonna do the thing?"

"You know it," he laughed and threw her backwards.

She screamed and came back above water laughed and smiling. She sighed. "We had so much fun..."

"Especially in the corner of the pool..." he smirked at her and she immediately blushed. She blushed hard like she was so red.

I scoffed in amazement. "Wooow," I whispered.

"August," she playfully punched him. "Stop it!"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Mikey. He was sitting up in the pool, asleep with his mouth wide open. I melted and awed.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture. I saw Justice walking towards us. "We should get going! Look at my baby, we tired him out," she smiled.

"Yeah, we should..." I said harshly and stood up. She gave me a look and grabbed Mikey.

"Ooookkkkk..?" She stretched looking confused and concerned but walked away. I sighed, why do I feel like this? She's mine, she chose me- well I chose her...

I looked over to see her hugging August and some other guest. I walked over hearing them make a little small talk.

"Yeah, we got to get this little guy to bed," Justice smiled. "Well I'll talk to you guys later, August stay in contact and you too," she smiled at August and his guest.

We walked outside and Justice strapped Mikey in and got in her car with even looking at me. We'll see how this goes once we get home.

Justice's POV

Michael seemed to have an attitude for some reason, I thought we were having a good time but maybe he's just tired.

I opened the door caring Mikey and our bags and went into the bathroom. I gave Mikey a bath, he was whiny but he cooperated. I put him into bed and kissed his cheek as Michael walked in. I walked out and headed to our room.

I was almost to our bathroom when I heard: "Damn, are you gonna even look at me?" He scoffed when I didn't. "I'm so tired of you!"

I turned around slowly shaking my head. "I just don't understand how you have this little attitude. Why are you speaking so harsh to me? We were having a great time but you really ruining it by being mad."

"Maybe if you would've stopped flirting with August you would know why!" He shouted.

I looked astonished. "What are you talking about? I was not flirting Michael!"

"Yeah, whatever! I have eyes Justice!" He said closing the door to the bathroom.

"I didn't flirt Michael God! Why are you so worried about-" he cut me off.

"Cause you are mine, you can't be going around him and doing all this stuff! I shouldn't have to be worried about losing you-"

"If I'm really yours then why don't I have a ring on my left finger!" I yelled angrily. I realized what I said and sighed. "I'm about to get in the shower..."

He grabbed my face and kissed me. He started stripping me from my clothes and also his own.

"Get in the shower then..." he smirked. I bit my lip and stepped in.

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