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jen & jules were losers. they had no friends & were bullied everyday, jen even got pushed in the trash where she belonged to bad she didn't die because then she could've became a famous chain mail letter that drives 10 years olds insane if they don't send it to their 10 bffs!

but jen and jules had a secret! nobody knew about it! it was a super duper secret! they were famouzzz!1!1!!-!1! so cool right1??? they would be super popular and dating cool boyz like the ultimate hotties in their skool like mattyb and jacob sagatarious they were so hot!!! and they both rapped!!! jules wanted so very badly to wear Jacobs sweatshirt from chess club and Jen wanted to look at blue skies with Mattyb!!! they were so hot! hot dog!

But Jen and Jules were ugli rats more so jules she was the ugliest!!1! so ugli! boyz cried and ran away!!! so sad!! only jarl understood them! but jarl got suspended because he was a catfish!!!!! am sad.

jen & jules both lived in nj but owned a mansion in California.

cliff hanger!!!!

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