"What do you want from me?" I finally asked. My nervous were eating away at me. Was I going to be a maid? A servant? A toy for him to play with and use for only his pleasure?

He laughed. "I'll let you know when the time comes."

Killian's POV

I really didn't want to tell her that she was only here because I needed company. I was completely shocked when I found out that she was princess Emma Nolan. Ever since I saw her two years ago, I couldn't get her out of my head. I searched high and low for her, but I never thought that she would be the most popular princess in the land. I knew she would never remember what I took from her two years ago, but I never wanted her to find out. I wanted to start over, and when the time was right, only then would I tell her.

"Let me show you to your room," I said and pushed myself off the table. I could hear her footsteps behind me as I led her to her new bedroom. Her room was right outside of mine. "Dinner will be done at five sharp." And with that, I left her alone.

I couldn't believe she was actually here. Yes, I knew she wouldn't like being here by force. She was going to miss her family, but I wouldn't punish her if she tried to run. Eventually, I was going to have to let her go. She wasn't going to have feelings for me like I do her. I'm a monster. No one can love me, and there is no way in hell that I would expect her to.

But Emma just looked so beautiful today wearing her brown trousers and red shirt. Her sword hung perfectly on her hip. Her hair was tied back with a ribbon, keeping it out of her face.

Emma's POV

He is actually pretty attractive, but I would never admit that out loud.

I looked around my new room. The bed had a white canopy over it and blue and gold blankets. There was a balcony in one corner and a window seat in the other. A huge wardrobe was up against the wall, and it had beautiful flower patterns on it. There was a matching vanity beside it, and a beautiful fireplace in front of the bed. A giant clock ticked beside the bed. I couldn't believe that this was my room. It was bigger and more beautiful than the one at my parents' castle. I went over to the wardrobe, finding it empty, but I could always make a dress appear if I really tried hard enough.

I went out onto the balcony and looked around. The waves crashing down onto the shore below me was a very calming sound. I sat down and let my feet dangle off the edge. I really missed my parents, but I knew this was the only way to keep them safe. I couldn't let Regina win. Not ever.

As I got lost in my thoughts, a sudden spark erupted from my hands. I gasped in shock and stood up, staring at the light coming from them. I never learned to control my magic. I couldn't do spells or make things disappear or appear at the drop of a hat. I knew that my magic was linked to my emotions. That's why I always tried to keep calm. Graham didn't even know about my powers, but I'm pretty sure that if he did, he'd run for the hills.

I stayed on the balcony trying to calm myself down. I couldn't go out there with magic shooting out of my hands. I could break something! Becoming frustrated, I stood up and gripped the railing tight. The light was starting to turn red as I became more mad. The clock in my room struck five, and I hadn't even put on a dress yet, too afraid I was going to burn a hole in it.

There was a loud knock on my bedroom door, and my heart stopped. Hook.

"Are you alright, lass?" He asked, but never opened the door. What a gentleman.

"Uh, y-yeah. I-I'm okay," I stuttered. I had to eat, but I couldn't do that if my magic was going haywire. "Just give me five minutes, please."

"Okay. Do you want me to wait out here?"

"No that won't be necessary." I sat on the floor beside the bed and took deep calming breaths. I thought of calming things like the wind blowing in a meadow, making the leaves shake and brush up against one another. The waves crashing onto the sand. The clouds rolling by in the sky. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

Slowly, I felt myself calm down. The sparks stopped and I hesitantly opened my eyes. I decided to just wear what I had on. I didn't have anything, so it didn't really matter anyway.

It only took me a few minutes to find the dining hall. A huge dining table was in the middle of the room. A stained glass window was on the back wall, and a huge glass chandelier hung from the ceiling. I took a seat across from Hook and he took the covering off of my plate. There was a small chicken and potatoes on the plate, along with a vegetable. There was a glass of wine and a glass of water off to the side beside each other.

"Are you feeling alright?" Hook asked and dug into his food.

"Yep. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked and started to eat as well.

"You just seem to be distracted."

"Yeah. That's what usually happens." Not even Hook was going to know about my magic.

He placed his fork down and folded his hands in front of him. "Emma, are you sure you're okay?"

"I um, was just thinking about how I don't have any clothes. If I'm going to stay here, I can't really stay in one outfit," I lied.

He smiled and leaned back in his chair. "No, I suppose not." He waved his hand and I assumed he had just made dresses appear in my wardrobe upstairs. "There. Now you have plenty of clothes. If something isn't to your liking, let me know."

I nodded and we continued to eat. I didn't say much and neither did he.

After I finished, I excused myself up to my room. I laid down on the bed and just started to cry. I left everything. My home, my parents, my soon to be fiancé. All my friends too. They were all gone.

I soon ran out of tears, and the only thing that came from me now were broken sobs. I sat up, feeling a headache pound against my skull. I wiped my tears away and stood up, going over to the wardrobe and looking through it. There were plenty of dresses, blouses, trousers, and shoes. Over on the vanity, there was makeup and ribbons for me to tie my hair up. Along with that we're bottles filled with what I guessed was perfume. I guess Hook knew what he was doing when he made these things appear.

I was almost jealous that he was able to control his magic and do whatever he wanted with it. But, I could too if I didn't bottle it up inside.

I grabbed a silk night gown and slipped it on and brushed through my hair. I placed my sword by my bed and laid down. The sun had set awhile ago, and the clock in the corner read ten fifteen. I was sleepy because of crying so much, and I knew that time wouldn't heal this wound though. It was only going to make things worse.

Killian's POV

Emma seemed tense during dinner. It was as if she was trying to hide something from me.

Now, I don't need dating advice because I can most definitely read her. I knew she was scared about something, but I had no idea what it was, but mark my words. I was going to find out at any costs.

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