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yoongi's past

i was in love with a boy who was younger than me but not by a lot. he was amazing at dancing and at rapping. i thought he was the one. honestly i was young and really dumb. he kept hurting me and hurting me yet i couldn't find myself to leave him. he was my best friend as well. i loved him and i believed he loved me. but everything changed. he became hostile , distant , cold , it really seemed like he hated me. i still loved him though. i couldn't stop. i cried every night because of him. i sobbed till my chest hurt. it was his fault i had trust issues. his fault i hated most of the humans living on this earth. his fault for everything. but guess what? i still loved him. it was until he spit those 18 words that felt like 100 bullets were shot directly to my heart.

"i hate you yoongi always have , always will now please do me a favor and leave me alone"

his name...

was jung hoseok.

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