Into The Woods

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As I reach the tree line, I feel the familiar feeling of guilt seep into my chest, like a heavy weight. I stored the familiar feeling deep within myself along with the rest of it, and I trudge on. As I see the faint markings of the familiar path I make sure to steer clear of it, and make my own path. When I pass a familiar oak tree and see the overgrown bark around the familiar letters, R+L, something my brother and I did all of those years ago......
*7 years ago
'Hey, wait up!' A 10 year old me shouts to my 15 year old brother. As I watch his back disappear into the tree line and be engulfed by the surrounding branches.
'Luke! I am serious please wait up! It is dark and scary in here and -' i was cut off by my little size 5 feet caught on a root and I fell face first into the musky earth. Next thing I heard was hurried feet running towards me as my brother Luke approached,
'what are you doing down there silly? If you are that clumsy you just needed to tell me, I could have just piggy backed you.' He says with mock exasperation as he picked me up to survey the cut on my hands and knees. He blew off the dirt and threw me over his back and headed to our tree fort to get me a band aid as I was squealing in delight, my previous pain forgotten as was our attempt at tag. On our way to our tree house I noticed a beautiful tree, and insisted we carve our name into it to leave our mark, for years to come. He agreed pulling out his knife and carefully putting our letters into the tree.
'Forever and Always' he said.

'Forever and Always' I whispered breathlessly pulling out of my reverie wiping a dribbling tear off my face and heading back to the house hugging myself and pushing the memories back in my brain and locked them in my heart...

I exited the tree line preparing myself of the awkward dinner I had to prepare myself for. As I reached the door I passed Yap, who was on full alert, but still nuzzled my leg in comfort. I pat her head quick and rushed past my mother in the kitchen to get to the bathroom to wash my face from the dried up salt water. I checked my reflection in the mirror once more to make sure no redness was apparent and crept into the dining room as quietly as possible and slipped into my old chair.

I am not going to lie, I literally had tears in my eyes writing this! So sensitive, lol.

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