Without a second thought, you immediately walk to the strangers side, standing close next to his slumped form so that the both of you would be able to share your umbrella. "What-" the stranger stubbornly began until you cut him off. Not giving him the chance to object.

"What are you doing out here alone in the pouring rain without an umbrella?"

The stranger mumbled something inaudible under his breath before speaking up to you. "It's none of your business."

"Well I happened to walk by and now you're kindly using my umbrella so I think it is my business."

"Well I didn't ask to use your umbrella." He tried slightly pushing me away, but you stood strong in your position refusing to go anywhere anytime soon. A pout evident on his face.

"Well I'm not going anywhere until this rain stops because you could easily get a cold out here."

A loud, drawn out sigh came from the mouth of the stranger as you dragged your body down the wall, claiming the space next to him. Both sitting in silence as time surpassed us. "I'm Jimin."

"Hm?" Your head snapped in his direction, not sure if you'd heard him correctly. His sudden kindness surprsing you.

"I said I'm Jimin." He stuck his hand out, allowing you to shake it firmly.

"Oh, I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you," you pause, lip between your teeth in thought. "Can I walk you back to your house please?"

Jimin hesitantly nodded, standing first then offering you a gentle hand to stand as well. You notice how soft his hands were, feeling extremely waterlogged almost as if from years and years of being in the rain.

Jimin and you took turns holding the umbrella as it became heavy after the long walk to his humble abode. Stopping several feet in front of the house, Jimin handed the umbrella back over to you, bowing slightly. "Thank you for this. Sorry I was sort of a jerk earlier." He flushed a deep red at he memory of your first encounter.

"Anytime. You still never answered my question as to why you were out there." With a raised eyebrow, you shift your weight from one side to another, desperate for an answer.

"Maybe another day," Jimin winked cheekily at you, leaving you standing bewildered as he walked into his home. The rain slowly coming to a stop.

And just as Jimin had said, there would be other days.

Each night would be the same as before followed by you wandering out in the middle of the night with your jacket and umbrella with you each time.

It seemed to be raining more and more in your town these days. It seemed to draw you and Jimin together, each being captured under the same sky by the same dwelling wind and harsh rain.

You would find Jimin in the same spot every night, same soaked and umbrellaless form. And each time you would sit next to him, sharing your umbrella along with the tales of your childhood. Then slump your way back to his house where you would let him go, never to reveal the mysteries of what goes on behind his closed doors.

You'd grown fond of Jimin, for he had become part of your life's daily routine. Jimin wanted to feel the same, for you were the only person in his life who could make him smile with a simple glance. He wanted to let you in and rid his mind of the horrific past he held on to.

But he knew it was impossible.

"I never thought I'd meet someone who hates the rain as much as you do, Jimin," you smile at Jimin sadly, sitting in your usual spot in the rain while you met him eye level.

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