Author's Note

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This will remain at the end of the story to keep you all updated. ^.^



As of [roughly the middle of October, 2013]:

~Redone Chapter 1, added intro before action as well as different reactions on Aideen's part in chapters 1 AND 2.

~Changed Sasha and Aideen's argument in Chapter 6.

As of [January 8, 2014]:

~Ameliah's name is now LYNELLE. Ameliah is my pen name so I had planned on changing it for a while.




Don't lie and tell me this is great as it is, because I know it's not, heh. The pacing is really, REALLY bad, and not to mention that stupid intro I can never seem to get.

Ideas so far: 1) I will DEFINITELY move back Aideen's first mission a few chapters. She'll train a bit before that, meet a few characters, etc. The reason: To fix pacing. She gets thrown into everything in the first few chapters and then it just slows down to NOTHING. It's reeeeeallly bad.

2) There are a few characters that I think Aideen needs to establish relations with earlier. There are several who's purposes are unclear because Aideen talks with them in passing before moving on to the more major characters. Everyone is important!

3) Eugh, her and Mike's argument about her weaknesses. I'm physically cringing at the thought. That definitely needs to be redone, or taken out completely. Yes, taken out sounds great.

4) And lastly, her dream with Vince will be pushed back as well. Also, it'll end up being a bit later that they learn his element.

Red (Book One of Inferno) [ON HOLD, SEE AUTHORS NOTE]Where stories live. Discover now