You, Me, & the Little Things in Between (V, OC) Part 3

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"I want him to have a good life." Yuki nodded. "To fall in love with someone whom he could hold hands with and walk through the parks in Autumn with like he always told me. I didn't want him to be... tied down to me, you know? I... I wanted him to be free to live his life. Why can't he understand that?"

Adella bit her lip, unsure if she should disclose what she knows but seeing the way Yuki was buried under blankets with puffy eyes and a red nose, she couldn't help it.

"Perhaps it would be best, if you understand his side as well." She suggested and Yuki blinked, confused. "To him, it seemed that you were throwing your life away. You were wanting to die. And well..."

"What?" Yuki asked, seeing the hesitation in Adella's eyes.

"When Taehyung was young, his... his mother got sick. Cancer, I believe." She said. "And it was terminal."

Yuki's eyes widened and all of a sudden everything fell into place. No wonder Taehyung was so angry and...


"Oh god." Yuki closed her eyes painfully. "I'm such an idiot. I need to apologize—"

"You didn't know." Adella reasoned. "But I guess now you understand why Taehyung reacted that way when he found out you didn't want to get better. He told me how his mother fought long and hard but eventually passed when her medications stopped taking effect." Adella sighed sadly. "She fought yet she didn't get another chance at life. But you..." She pointed out. "You have a chance and you won't even take it. I think that's what made him upset."

Yuki pressed her lips together, feeling tears threatening to fall yet again. "You don't understand. I'm just so sick of it, okay? I hate what I've become. I hate being in this goddamn chair all day. I hate being so... dependent!"

Adella frowned, watching the tears streaming down Yuki's cheeks as she continued. "And I hate that I can't love Taehyung the way he should be loved." She admitted. "I... I can't hold him. I can't hug him. I can't do a lot of things to make him feel how much I care about him and it's frustrating, Adella! And I'm sure he's going to see that eventually and—" she hiccuped then turned away slightly. "And then leave me for someone better. Someone who isn't... broken."

Adella looked down at her sadly before reaching out and caressing her cheek. "Oh sweetie, if that's what you think then you're truly underestimating the boy. Taehyung adores you, that much I can assure you."

"Maybe. But for how long?" She said bitterly. "Sooner or later he's going to get tired of me. He's going to see how broken and unfixable I am and—" She let out a shaky breath. "I don't think I can take another disappointment in my life, Adella. I already lost so much... I can't lose him too. I already hate myself for being so broken and who knows? Maybe he'll hate me too—"

"Hate isn't what breaks love, Yuki." Adella stated. "And I know you don't hate yourself."

Yuki snickered but it was weak, "Oh but I do—"

"You're afraid." Adella interrupted, making Yuki look up at her. "It's fear, Yuki. It's fear which stops you from trusting. And you need to trust, sweetheart. You need to trust that Taehyung is going to love you... No matter how broken you are."

Yuki looked up at her with tear-filled eyes and Adella saw the little girl hiding behind her strong facade. "Why would he settle for something broken when he could have—"

"Because he loves you." Adella said simply. "He chose to love you. You don't look at people and see if they are fixable or not. You look at people and find something special to love about them." She smiled as she placed a hand over hers. "I believe Taehyung found that in you... And I know you found it in him too."

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