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I still remember the day I had arrived in this house or should I say this living hell. That was the day when my father told me he has to leave elsewhere to work.
I asked him when we have to leave and where we go. He just remained silent and look at me in a concern manner. He was taken aback by my words, thing that I could tell after seeing his pale face.

Then the next thing he said almost hit me: he was going to leave all alone without me for a couple of years. First I couldn't think at anything at that moment, because my mind could no process what was happening. Everything was so unexpected and I was shocked.
He told me that he send me to our far away relatives. That was the moment when tears had begin to fall. After that I felt his arms wrapped around me. He kissed my forehead and told me that everything will be alright and I haven't reason to be scared.
He knew that I'm scared to be left all alone because of my mother. She died at my birth and I never had the chance to meet her. I grow up without mother and was very hard for me. Still is. My father never bring her up in our conversation much, so I had no ideea about how she really was.

But the thing who scared more than anything in the world is that I was afraid that I will remain without father too.
Anyway I had to understand the situation and deal with it. After I calmed down and my father wiped out my tears I went to packed my clothes and all the things I'll need there, because the next morning I'll be on my way there.
In that night I couldn't sleep at all. The thoughts was spining in my head over and over again, but finally I fall asleep exhausted.

The next day I woke up early. I ate something fast and brushed my theets. By the time I was saying farewell to my father a black cab had arrived.
"Goodby my little one! Be brave and smile. We will see each other very soon!". After that he kissed me on my forehead and blessed me, I entered in the cab.
I turned my face to him and waved him until I lost him from my sight. I close my eyes wandering myself if we ever see each other again. 

At that moment I didn't know what will happen next. I was expecting at a normal life, but I didn't know how much I could mistaken. Indeed what happened after was more worse that I could had ever expect it to be.
From the day I enter on that door, my fate was sealed.

Hello everyone!
This my first time writing a story like that so, I hope I haven't screw up and is boring. I don't think I'm a very good writer, but I'll try my best.
The story is based on Diabolik Lovers series and most of the situation from anime will be found here, but with more details.
Of course, the hero is Yui Komori here since she is in series. To be honest I know that most of you didn't like her or even hate her, but I really want to relate the story from her perspective.
Although, I'm sorry for my grammar mistakes because English is not my native language.
Anyway, dear reader is up to you to decide if you want to read this or not.
Until next time,
Good morning/good evening,/good night! 

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