Just A Little Longer

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The wind blew gently, it was feeling chilly. I'll..... get it over and done with. I'm not Shinoa, you guys should have realised that by now. Stop thinking that I lost my memory. I came from the past, I was an assassin. Stop thinking I'm Shinoa and look at the real, new me. I wanted to tell him all this. But I can't.

Breaking the silence a group of villains surrounded us. Me and Katsuki went back to back and prepared to fight back. Looking at the mysterious looking one in the front of me in the black cloak I warned Katsuki, "the one in black seems to be flowing full of magical energy, he's really strong, watch out for him." Seeing him smirk when I said that to Katsuki made me slightly back off. "You, you need to control your quirk."

"Heh, who are you to tell me what to do. And also it's completely controlled." He smirked and slowly removed his cloak. It was a woman, she was really pretty but had a smile that scram evil. She had long black hair and blood red eyes, she looked around 20's. She slowly walked towards me and stopped when she was about a meter away from me. "Don't you know who I am?" I didn't answer and quickly grabbed Katsuki's hand, turned into a succubus and flew up trying to avoid the battle. But she flew up as well as a succubus and blocked my path. "Wh-who are you?" She smirked and waved her hand and just like that everything went pitch black.

What... What is this place? I looked around seeing the place was trashed. I don't know why but, it was mostly wrecked. Destroyed to bits. I looked in front of me seeing a teenage boy in a U.A. Uniform. He looked a lot like Zen when he was 16. He was trapped in between the rocks. I wanted to help but for some reason, I couldn't move a step forward. Out of nowhere, a villain walked through the wrecks. She grabbed the boy by his neck and tried strangling him. Suddenly, out of nowhere I heard a blood-curdling scream.

I turned to might right and was completely shocked of what I saw. She-she looks just like me! Who is she? "Mika, nice to meet you again. Traitor!" She dropped the boy down and walked closer to her. Mika? It can't be! "And now you're trying to stop my devious plans again. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm way stronger than you. You know that, don't you?"

That girl, she can't be.... "Get lost and I won't do anything to you. Leave this city alone!" She ran towards the boy. "Akuhei, are you ok?" What's going on?! No wonder he looks like Zen!

"Fight me one on one. Winner takes all!" The villain yelled. Mika dashed towards the villain. Her hand started forming huge, werewolf claws as she made her attack. The villain dodged with ease and kicked Mika into the wall creating a huge explosion. The dust and smoke cleared, Mika was not hurt. She was held in some sort of dark orb. The villain walked towards Akuhei and smiled, devilishly,"I'll kill you first, then, I'll deal with that termite."

Mika jumped back into the scene and with a scythe, she was able to chop the villain down, right through the stomach. Mika fell down onto her knees as the scythe faded away. She was slowly catching her breathe but then the villain made one more attack with her sword. Akuhei jumped out in front and shot a huge, dark plasma sphere at her. And her life ended.

"Akuhei, thanks." Mika panted. "I owe ya one."

"Nope, I owe you one." Akuhei smiled. My vision started to get darker until it became pitch black. I opened my eyes seeing an unfamiliar ceiling. This ... isn't my bedroom ceiling. Where am I? I sat up seeing this wasn't my room either. It was a hospital room. Did I... get injured? I looked around seeing nobody was around but I heard talking outside. I tip-toed towards the door and placed my ear on the door.

"She's going to die without her mother right?"

"Yeah, that's a bit sad."

"What do you mean, that's sad? Her mother is the criminal Mastermind Paranormal Pandora! I think it'd be better if she dies. We can't have a mother and daughter destroying the world. Why are we even helping her out?" Do people really think that of me. Do they really want me dead? Suddenly the door knob rattled. I jumped back into bed and pretended I was sleeping. "We don't want her to suffer anymore, right? So, let's just end her life here."

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