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This book is the sequel to the book, 'The Tale Of The Legendary Jan Arceus' so you should go read that before you read this but if you ain't bothered than you can just read the last chapter of that book or not read that book at all

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

This book is the sequel to the book, 'The Tale Of The Legendary Jan Arceus' so you should go read that before you read this but if you ain't bothered than you can just read the last chapter of that book or not read that book at all. Now enjoy. P.S. This story is based on Scarlet Heart Ryeo for them fans!!! ❤️ 

"Shinoa, Shinoa....." Jirou cried like a baby. She started crying at the side of the deep fountain. "Why is it even so deep anyway?" She screamed. "Shinoa, I'm so sorry! Waaaaaaahhhh! It's all my fault! If you're still alive, you can kill me a million times if you want and I won't mind! I deserve it, waaaaaahhhhh!"

"Jirou, stop crying! It's not gonna help!" Momo sighed. "Even if she's been underwater for like 3 hours already." Three teachers and a student came their way so they hid on the other side of the fountain where the student and teachers couldn't see them. Suddenly a girl pops up, bursting out of the water. She looks around at the surroundings—possibly the same place she'd been a thousand years ago—and gasps in relief that she made it out alive. 'Wait, this doesn't look like the river near the church. Where am I?' She thought. She meets a student's eyes (Izuku Midoriya), and they simultaneously scream. The student calls for the teachers just as Jirou and Momo catches the girl's attention from behind the fountain, urging her to get out right away. While the student explains to the teacher in shock, their intruder climbs out of the fountain and runs away with Jirou and Momo, disappearing from sight. Curiously, Izuku whispers a name: "Shinoa?"

The two girls (who have been crying at the fountain for 3 hours), ushers the girl away, apologising to her all the way. "I'm so sorry, Shinoa. It was all my fault, please forgive me!" Belatedly, Jirou thinks to ask Shinoa if she's feeling okay now. The girl (being called Shinoa at the moment by everyone here) can't make heads or tails of anything, and wonders why she's being called Shinoa and why she's here. "Umm can I ask?" The girl panted looking like she has a headache, "why are you calling me 'Shinoa' and this doesn't look like the river near the church?" She thinks for a moment then smiles letting out a sigh. 'Ahhh, that's right. I'm dead.' She thought to herself. 'Then this place must be... the afterlife. Why was I so worried?' The girl smiled and fainted hitting her head onto an iron chair before she faints onto the ground.

The girl wakes up in a room she's never seen before. She sits up without anyone noticing. She looks over at the same two girls from before who are sitting down facing away from her. She tries getting up a little more, without them noticing but blurts out,"oww!" The two turn towards her and quickly rushes to her bedside. "You're finally awake." Jirou let's out a sigh of relief. The girl looks closely at the girls' outfits and looks. "Shinoa, how are you feeling? Are you ok? Are you still in pain?" In confusion, the girl asks, "Did I get very hurt?" Momo sighed, "don't even bring it up. You fell so hard I though your head would burst. Do you know how worried we were?.... Shinoa."

In confusion, the girl asks,"ummmm, why do you keep calling me Shinoa? My name is Jan. Don't you know who I am?" She asked politely since she didn't know what the situation is. The three look at each other in confusion, they asked,"What?" The girl (Jan) asks again,"why are you calling me 'Shinoa'. I don't understand why I'm being called that." Then the girl (Jan) thinks back of what happened before she ended up here and laughs, "Oh right, I died."

Momo laughs and clarifies,"you didn't die. You nearly did, though!" The girl (Jan) blurts, "I'm not dead?!" The girl (Jan) pinches herself to see if she's still alive or if this wasn't a dream. She looks around and darts outside and takes in the unfamiliar sights, students in unusual clothing, the weird buildings, the clear aura. 'It's not a dream. If I'm not dead... where am I?' She wondered in shock.

"Shinoa!" The two girls ran out. They saw how shocked she was so Momo ordered,"go get the nurse."

The girl (Jan) held onto Momo's shoulders and asked,"where is this place? No... who am I?"

Momo asked ,"Are you unable to remember at all?" The girl (Jan) didn't answer, she was too absorbed into the situation it's become too complicated to think. "Your name is Shinoa Akashi. I'm your friend Momo Yaoyorozu." The girl (Jan) thought in shock 'I'm not in another person's body, am I?' Momo held the girl's hand and said,"Think about it carefully. Take a close look at me. You're at school right now. At U.A. the school of heroes. Your sister is in your class. Your brother teaches here and your dad is one of the top heroes."

The girl snatched her hand back and asked,"That can't be right, I don't have any family members except an older brother. I'm not a hero! I shouldn't be here. I've never even heard of this place before."

The girl (Jan) ran away into a room that had the name 'Class 1-A' and locked the door behind her. She ran towards the back corner and faced her back against the wall. 'Where am I? What am I doing here?' So many questions entered her mind. She looked at her hands seeing there weren't any cuts or scars and they were smaller and fairer. Even her sword (Ryūketsu) wasn't on her.

She slid down and sat on the floor as a tear fell down her cheek. 'I died back then. This girl Shinoa must have drowned and died in the water too. Then, am I Jan or Shinoa Akashi? I don't know how I managed to get here into this body.' She looked up and put up a smile,'stay positive, you have a chance here. A chance to avoid death, and live. You're really lucky here. Ok, so don't get caught and just get through this. If you get through this... If you geth throught this... I'm not Shinoa, so I'll get caught. What do I do?'

Suddenly  the knocking at the door disturbed her thinking startling her. "Shinoa!" Different voices called. "Come out and talk. Please come outside, staying in there won't solve anything."

The girl cuddled her legs tighter and asked herself. 'What kind of world is out there? I'm scared. I'm scared to death. But why? I've lived in a cruel world for so long. Shouldn't this be a relief? So why am I so scared?'

The door suddenly became a block of ice and crumbled to the ground. A tall boy with half White and half Red hair walked towards the girl. He stood a meter in front of her. She stared at him in fear making him feel terrible. "That's the same look on her face." He whispered to himself. He took another step but she backed away further into the corner. 7 people came into the room to see what was going on. The tall male said,"Shinoa, do not be afraid. You can trust me, you called me your little brother even though I'm not related to you and the fact that I'm older than you. But now I'll be your big brother and help you out. Avoiding this will not change anything. You have to be strong." He let out his hand and stepped forward. "Trust me and come outside, it's not like you to be scared." The girl (Jan) looks at the hand, thinking that she can no longer go back or change her appearance. But shes hit with a wave of new determination to live, and takes his hand.

If Only You Knew (Boku No Hero Academia FanFiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें