After a few seconds of staying silent, Claire finally sighed in defeat. Elli always had the power to talk her way out of things with Claire. She was one of the few who Claire had completely trusted and cared about to actually allow herself to be influenced.

“Fine. But you can’t stop me for wishing the worse upon him.” Claire pointed out before she glanced at the clock. “My time’s up here. Anyway, take care Elli. And don’t take it to heart.” Her eyes narrowed. “Chad’s probably like that with every girl who remotely takes any serious interest in him.”

Elli just nodded her head as she watched Claire turn around and head towards the exit of the daycare. A few kids spotted her going out and shouted their farewells to her, making Claire blow a few kisses in their direction before she headed out. Eleanor smiled at how elaborate Claire was when dealing with kids.

They all admired her as if she was some sort of superhero. Truthfully, Eleanor was just like those kids. She couldn’t help but admire Claire for being strong-hearted. If she was like her friend instead, would she have recovered from Chad’s rejection quicker?

No. If she was like Claire, then she wouldn’t have confessed in the first place. But Elli couldn’t see herself not liking Chad. She had always had an attraction to him, and she thought it was the same for him.

But it seemed she read between the lines wrong and this was the result.


As Claire was working at the reception desk during the near evening, an unexpected guest entered through the doors. At first, she didn’t notice, but the loud voice and sudden curses gave way to exactly who had just entered Bishop Lodgings.

“Well, shit, this place is still as nice as ever!”

Claire raised her head and saw Tori Jones walk towards her while she looked up and around the lobby. Her hair was in bouncy curls and her face was brushed up with light makeup, including dark eyeliner and red lipstick. She was also dressed in a bright scarlet dress which hugged all of her curves and she looked as if she was going to some fancy party that would serve cheese and wine.

“Tori?” Claire said surprised. “What the hell are you doing here?” she couldn’t help but automatically start swearing whenever Tori was around. She was a bad influence and Claire would occasionally be swept up by her language.

“Oh, I’m having a blind date here tonight at the request of my dad.” She arrived at the front counter and leaned her elbows on top before she looked at Claire’s eyes. “Hi Claire.” She grinned while using a high-pitched voice.

She raised an eyebrow. “I don’t remember your dad making any reservations or anything.” If he had, Claire would’ve definitely been the first one to know that Tori Jones was going to step foot into Bishop Lodgings today.

“He didn’t.” Tori suddenly said. “I was the one who choose the destination.”

“Well, if you put it that way, you haven’t made a reservation for one of the rooms.”

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