A surprise?(Louis) For Eden

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Eden's P.O.V

I flipped through the T.V channels nothing good on, I just left the T.V on a random channel picking up my phone. I tapped the twitter app and checked my dm's replying to a few fans who messaged me. Then I followed a few back then finally I re-tweeted some tweets and favorited some while replying to a few. I checked the time and noticed it was 3 in the afternoon. I got up from the couch and went up the stairs and hopped in the shower.

Once i was out of my shower i wrapped a towel around my body and walked to my bedroom and picked out some shorts and a crop top shirt with a dream catcher on it. I decided to leave my hair down so just ran my brush through it to keep it detangled. I walked down starts and texted Louis.

To: Loubear <3
Hey, i miss you I can't wait for you to be home.

I set my phone down and went into the kitchen grabbing a bottle or water and a apple then sitting down on the couch. My phone went off saying I had a text and i picked it up.

From: Loubear <3
Come our side babygirl i have something for you.

I smiled and went outside to see Louis standing by his car. I ran over to him and attacked him in a hug.

"woah, there killer I haven't even given you anything yet" He joked causing me to laugh.

"Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" i whined "I love you" i said which caused him to laughed and say "i love you too" in response

I tried looking in his car to see what he had gotten me but he blocked it.. "Louuuuuuuu" i pouted he smirked "stop teaseingggggg" I sighed "Well does someone have ants in their pants?" he joked as he opened the door.

"Nooooooooooooooooooo" I said waiting for him to pull something out. He laughed and pulled out 3 Victoria's secret bags, two bags with shoe boxes in them, and a bag from Forever 21. I smiled and thanked him.

"That's not it" He smiled and walked around and popped his trunk. He pulled out one of those big teddy bears it was as big as him and me but together.

"Lets go inside so you can look at everything" He said and i smiled. He carried the big bear and I shut the door and trunk then ran ahead of him and opened the door for him. We went upstairs to our bedroom and he set the teady bear down in the corner.

"Sorry for the randomness of it all, but i know you really like when boyfriends randomly buy things for their girlfriends." he said and sat down on the bed by by me.

I gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek and thanked him. I pulled the bag with shoes in it to me. I opened the first box and found a pair of black DC shoes with white soles which I love because they are hightops. I smiled and slipped one on my foot. It fit perfectly, I opened the other box and pulled out a pair of sneaker looking wedges. I had wanted a pair of them for a while, they aren't to girly but aren't to tom boyish.

I put the shoes in the boxes and set them on the floor, picking up the victoria's secret bags. I looked in each one, the first one had 3 new bras, the second one had 5 new pairs of underwear, and the last one had a PINK hoodie and pair of sweat pants. I but everything back in the bags and set them on the floor.

I grabbed the forever 21 bag, I pulled out two pairs of high waisted jeans, three new crop tops, four new beanies, and two new long shirts that are made to be dresses. I loved them all, I wrapped my arms around Louis and thanked him.

"You're welcome babygirl" Louis mumbled and kissed me. I hugged him tightly

"Now, lets go to Niall's place because he planned something for all the boys and us." Louis said and led me down stairs...

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