Settling Down (Liam) for Cynthia

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Cynthia's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping, annoyed I slammed my hand down on it to make it shut up. I lazily got up and went to the shower turning the water on and stepping in the shower. The warmth of the water made me sleepy but I knew once I stepped out of the shower into the cold air it would immediately wake me up. I finished washing the soap off my body and stepped out into the cold air and wrapped a towel around my body walking into my and Liam's bedroom he was already out with the boys working on some songs or something. I walked over to Liam's dresser and pulled out one of his plain black shirts and a pair of his baggy sweat pants then threw my hair up into a messy bun not really caring what i did with it. I walked down stairs and began to make some breakfast realizing it was 10:30 in the morning.

As the morning went on I didn't do much other then reply to some fans tweets and follow some back. I decided I'd do a live stream for a hour or so to pass time I loved talking to all the fans and telling them how much Liam loved every single one of them. Before I knew it, it was 2 and Liam would be home soon so I told everyone I had to go. Everyone told me bye and how they hoped I'd do this again which I plan on doing very soon. I turned off my computer and went up stairs, I turned on some music on Pandora and threw on some high waisted dark wash jeans with a simple tank top with Payne written on the back. I left my hair in a messy bun because I was to lazy to actually do anything with it. I went in the bathroom and put on some eyeliner and mascara with light pink lip gloss, it was a light natural look and I liked it.

It was nearing 2:30 and Liam wasn't home yet I began to worry because he's normally home by now. I walked down stairs and turned on the T.V I flipped through the channels until Catfish caught my eye, I must admit its a pretty good show and interesting how people find it okay to lie just because they are behind a screen. I kicked my feet up on the couch and tried texting Liam.

To: Liam <3

Hey you lil sloth where are you? :(

I got almost an instant text back

From: Liam <3

Sorry babygirl running late from the studio I'll be home soon <3

To: Liam <3

Okay, I miss you. Hurry home but drive safe. I love you <3

From: Liam <3

Okay, I will. I love you too <3

And with that I set my phone on the table and directed my attention to the T.V. I hadn't even noticed but I fell asleep.

" Hey baby wake up" poke

"wake up." jiggle

"wake up love" shake

"what do you want from me?" I groaned clearly enjoying my sleep. I heard Liam chuckle "Wake up silly I want to take you somewhere" I sat up and opened my arms for Liam to come and hug me.

"When are we leaving?" I asked Liam looked at the time. "Give 5 minutes to go and change and we can leave." He said and got up going up stairs.

I got up and slipped on a pair of hightops that I had got a month ago from Niall since he saw them when he was out and they where my favorite color... dark purple. It was weird that it was from Niall but Liam told him to get them. I loved them though. I must've thanked Niall a thousand times.

I heard Liam walking down the stairs now in some darker jeans and Nike shirt and two hoodies in his hand. He slid on his high top shoes and grabbed his car keys. "Ready?" He asked I smiled and nodded. He opened the door and motioned me out. I went to the passenger side of the car and got in. Liam got in and started the car, I pulled out my phone and plugged it into the aux cord. Liam just smiled and grabbed my hand as he backed out of the driveway.

"So where are we going Mr. Payne" I said smirking. I saw a smile "Well I guess you'll just have to wait and find out" He smirked and I signed "But babeeeee" I whined. He just laughed. I pouted but soon couldn't keep up as my favorite song 'Bad Chick By: Somo' started blaring through the speakers. I started singing the song and trying to dance in my seat.

After a few hours of dancing and singing and complaining and asking questions we pulled up to a empty beach parking lot. Liam turned off the car and got out as i did the same. He grabbed my hand and led me to a pavilion that was dimly lit it had rose pedals leading up to the door and then Louis opened the door.

"Romantic?" I asked smirking a bit. Liam smiled "Yes, and i have my best mates making sure it all goes right" He said

I laughed a bit "They're all goofs that i love but i dont think that they can stay serious" I said laughing I earned a series of "Heyyy's" from everyone but they laughed at it too.

We walked to a table in the middle of the room and Niall pulled out my chair for me. Then Harry came out with a cart with a glass of water and a glass of whine. He then set a plate in front of me it was his famous ribs and mashed potatoes that I always beg for on my birthday. He set a bowl of fruit in the middle of the table and the boys went to the back to give us privacy. Liam and I had small conversations and laughs while eating.

Once we had both finshed the boys came out and took our plates and Liam now led me out side and we walked on the shore line not getting our shoes all sandy and wet. I noticed the boys standing off to the side to us with their phones out. I smiled and thought to myself how cute they were they always tried to take cute photos of Liam and I which i always appreciated.

Liam stopped and got down on one knee in front of me. My heart started pounding. "Cynthia, Will you make me one of the happiest lil sloths alive and marry me?" He asked

"YES!" I practically shouted and a few tears fell down my face. Liam smiled and hugged me. I kissed his lips and then he put the ring on my finger.

The boys shouted and came running down toward us giving us all a big hug and congratulated us. Liam and I hugged them back and thanked them all. Louis smiled and looked at me. "YOU ARE LETTING ME HELP PLAN THE WEDDING!!" he said excitedly I laughed and agreed. Louis has a way with making everything funny when its boring and it'g going to be perfect because he will sass everyone to make it perfect.

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