A normal life (Niall)

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Niall imagine for Laurel

I just had to children with my husband Niall.. i thought the hate was bad before! its just gotten worse! i need to stay strong for the children they need me more then ever! i cant go and hurt myself they need a mother a strong one!! I don't know how much longer the paps will keep surrounding the house but i hope they stop like soon!! Cause im tired of Niall having to go out there to ask them to leave! and they always come back! I laid on the couch the babies are upstairs sleeping i have the baby monitor on the coffee table..

i just wish Niall and i could have alone time with out having the paps come around trying to sneek photos theres blinds on every window they are all the way down and closed the bathroom window is the only one you can go by and not worry about anyone getting a pic of you cause its a closed area but theres still fresh air! Niall and i just wanna cuddle on the couch and watch a movie and take a nap for once not worry about the paps taking pics or knocking on the door! Niall came back and laid with me on the couch "Ni?" i asked he kissed my cheek "yes babe?" he asked "do you think the paps will ever leave us alone? I mean its one thing for the fans to know but for the paps to be here 24/7 is really annoying!" i said a little frustrated "i think it will just be a few more days then they'll leave up alone!" Niall exclaimed "i hope so id like to beable to get fresh air with out going in the bathroom!! I don't want fans hating on me its getting harder to stay strong as the hate is getting stronger! I just want people to leave us alone i cried out hugging Niall he hugged back instantly "hey hey its ok princess!! Just wait a few weeks before going on twitter ill post a pic on instagram in a few weeks of us and the babies! ok?" Niall said i nodded and cuddled into Niall he kissed my cheek and sang nobody campares as i fell asleep with him on the couch

please let me know how these are?? if they are bad be like you with the face yeah person that wrote this.. this imagine is crap!! then list things i could do to improve! :D its ok to be mean like that as long as you got pointers! hah

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