nine | Addie

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"Without fear, one can live their life to the fullest, experience the wonders of the world."

"There's the new kid."

"Oh, her. I've seen her around. She's new."

"Hey, new girl! Wanna sit at our table?"

"You don't know much about this school. You're obviously the new addition."

That's right. She was the new kid.

Being new was tough. But she had to face it. She had to take whatever came at her and throw it back to where it came from. She had to show them she couldn't be affected by their snickers and rude comments. Those mean girls-- she couldn't let them get to her.

For example, there was Barbie. That one word was enough to get someone to run out of the place, screaming at the top of their lungs. Oh man. She hated that girl. Addie was sorry to say it, but she did.

"If I were you, I'd sue my parents for giving me such ugly hair."

So original, she was. Addie had seen that comeback online.

Then there was Wisteria. A total weirdo if she'd ever seen one. Okay, so she wasn't rude or anything, but seriously. She lived in the '60's. This was the 2010s. Welcome to the modern age. In fact, Addie didn't think Wisteria had ever touched an electronic before.

"What an inappropriate party dress. I thought you, being new, might have an ounce of sense. But you're just as bad as the other fopdoodles in the party."

Said the girl who's wearing an opera gown. Addie would have asked what a fopdoodle was, but she decided she didn't want to know the answer.

Sky and Hannah... Well, Addie didn't have an opinion on them yet. Sure, she respected their bravery, and, of course, the pranks themselves, but as for personalities, the two were very mysterious.

The moment Addie had walked into the classroom, she had taken in her surroundings. She had immediately spotted Sky laughing in the corner, and had no doubt that she was the cause of this. Addie, however, didn't care; she had dealt with enough people like the pair to know that they were not ones to be afraid of.

To be fair, Addie was a pretty fearless person. At her old school, she had been given the nickname 'The Conqueror.' Not that she destroyed anything. The name referred to her as the conqueror of fears. Addie would do unimaginable things even if someone so much as dared her to.

Mrs. Edmonton, however, did not seem to admire this trait of Addie's, having pulled her over while the other classmates were having their little get together.

"Now, listen up, Miss Taylor. For each new student, their homeroom teacher gets reports of their past doings from previous educators. According to your files, it has been noted that you are a troublemaker.

"I have had enough difficulties handling two of my students alone, and so I request you not to make my job any more difficult than it already is. I must note, however, that your last teachers have also seen that you are a bright kid and grasp onto new concepts quickly. I applaud you for this.

"I shall be leaving soon, but I must ask you one thing first. Apparently, you are fearless. But before I go, ponder this: we all have at least one fear, one weakness. What is yours? That, Miss Taylor, is up to you to figure out."

Addie had thought about Mrs. Edmonton's question. What did she fear? What was fear?

Addie thought desperately to think of a time when she was scared, any time, before cursing her bravery. Deep inside, however, Addie knew that she did have a fear, that she had felt that emotion before, but was too afraid to admit it-- not only to Mrs. Edmonton, but also to herself.

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