two | Laurie

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"When life gives you lemons, run, run away."

Laurie sighed, looking out the window. Sunlight streamed into the science lab, and she wished she could go for a run outside, the rays dancing on her skin.

It started out as any normal day would. She'd skipped the reunion and had taken a jog, like she always did, then went to homeroom at ten in the morning. Afterwards, she went to math, English, then to her dorm room for the allotted half an hour break before lunch every morning. After that disaster of a meal, she had messed up everything on her side of the room that Wisteria had cleaned up. Then, she had walked over to the science lab to resume her classes for the day.

Her assigned seat was, unfortunately, next to that of Barbara Winfrey, and she'd already taken the privilege of insulting Laurie's outfit, which consisted of a pink tank top, black running shorts, and black tennis shoes.

She glanced at the blackboard, where four molecular equations were scratched on with chalk. She hastily scribbled down the answers, not bothering to double check them, and looked around the room.

At the next lab table, Emma and Clara were finished first, as usual, and sat with their arms crossed in satisfaction. Mikayla was scribbling frantically, while next to her, Diva was hunched over her paper, but it looked more like she was doodling than actually solving the equations. Juila was sitting with a posture much like Emma and Clara's, but even from across the room, Laurie could tell that her paper was blank.

At the farthest table, Partycake was finished with the assignment, but seemed to be writing beyond that. She wondered if they were notes, but then remembered that Partycake wasn't one to care about her grades, though they were exceptional. Two seats down, Emmy was helping Felicity solve the equations, and across from them, Wisteria was scrambling to fix her bun before it came out of its tie.

Next to her, Barbie was staring at something with a look of panic. Laurie followed her gaze all the way to the seat that was assigned to Sky. The seat, however, was empty.

Laurie groaned inwardly, as she knew what would happen next. It was the same thing that happened every year, and it was either Sky or Hannah that caused it.

Barbie's eyes traveled to the back of the room, to where Sky was kneeling in the shadow of a large, wooden cabinet. She seemed to be tying a segment of frayed twine to the piece of braided rope which served to pull down the projecting screen.

Tied to the other end of the twine was a wooden block, which was used as a stopper for a bowling ball resting on a long chain of train tracks.

Laurie moved her focus down the chain of tracks, slowing realizing what was going to happen. She had to admit that Sky was smart, whether she put her smarts to good use or not.

The door opened and Mr. Thomas Wagner walked in.

Laurie inhaled sharply, and felt her peers do the same. Mr. Wagner was an odd man, being sometimes friendly and helpful, but at other times, completely insane.

All Laurie could think of at that moment was that Sky had picked the wrong teacher to mess around with.

"Good morning, class." His voice was crisp, and he carried a slight German accent.

"Good morning, Mr. Wagner," the class chorused together.

Out of the corner of her eye, Laurie could see Sky slowly inching out the door, trying to draw as less attention as possible.

"Welcome to Advanced Chemistry, your tenth grade science class. I, as you already know, am Mr. Wagner, the Advanced Chem teacher here at Kingston." His eyes darted around the room and landed on Sky's empty seat.

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