seven | Barbie

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"Get out of my face or my daddy will sue you."

A few weeks passed, and she, Barbara Winfrey, was bored.

Barbie was always bored, because she lived at school, and she was not a very education-oriented person. But she was especially bored now, because Sky hadn't planned any pranks for quite a long time.

She was sitting in History Class, taught by Mrs. Brunner, and wasn't paying an ounce of attention to the lesson. Not that Barbie ever paid any attention to any of her lessons, which probably explained why she was failing her classes.

Today, Barbie was daydreaming about her boyfriend, Ken. Now, Ken wasn't exactly real. He was a figment of Barbie's imagination, which probably explained why he was named Ken.

Barbie rested her head on her arms and drifted off.

"Oh Ken!" sighed Barbie. "That date was simply delightful!"

Ken laughed. "I'm so happy you liked it!" He leaned in and pecked Barbie on the cheek.

Barbie blushed. "Aw, you're so sweet!"

"Where would you like to go tomorrow on our next date? The country club, or the beach?"

Mrs. Brunner slammed her ruler down onto Barbie's desk. "Miss Winfrey! What is the answer to number 9?"

In a daze, Barbie answered, "Oh, Ken, I would simply love to visit the beach!"

"Miss Winfrey!"

Barbie sat up in her chair abruptly, and realized what she had just said.

Uh oh.

She looked at the class. Addie was staring at her in complete bewilderment. Hannah was smirking, and Juila was giggling outright, not even bothering to hide it. Emma was snickering behind her hand.

Inside, Barbie felt hurt, betrayed by her classmates. They didn't understand how she really felt.

The only person who wasn't laughing or staring was Diva, who simply looked at her, her eyes filled with wonder. Probably because she thought she knew what Barbie was experiencing.

But, you see, unlike Diva's dilemma, Barbie was proud to have a boyfriend like Ken.

Of course, Ken was a figment of Barbie's imagination, but Barbie preferred not to dwell on that.

She stood up in her seat and said, "Mrs. Brunner, could you please be quiet for just one minute? I'm trying to have a proper conversation with my boyfriend Ken."

Mrs. Brunner and the rest of the class gaped at Barbie.

"Mrs. Winfrey, please leave the room immediately!"

"With pleasure."

She stood up angrily, swinging her pink messenger bag across her body. She put on her sunglasses and marched to the door.

Barbie could never tell why, but she absolutely hated when people questioned Ken's existence. Maybe it was because deep down, she knew that Ken wasn't real.

But she couldn't afford to think that. In Barbie's world, there was nobody to love her, to care about her. Sky was the closest thing she had, but for Barbie, it wasn't close enough.

Her mother and father had separated, when she was three years old, and her mother had taken custody of Barbie. Her mother hated Barbie, as she was a constant reminder of the man she was no longer married to.

A year later, her mother remarried - this time, to a rich man, who spoiled Barbie in order to gain her approval. Barbie hated her stepdad, but she took advantage of his gifts, including everything she was wearing at the moment.

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