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Jeonghan strode into school the next day, feeling insanely pleased with himself. Once again, he had the whole schools attention.

Jisoo was so right, he thought, once he remembered what his friend had told him about his charms.

First off, Jeonghan was impossible not to look at. He had just dyed his hair a platinum blonde that made him look even more expensive than he already was. He was arguably the most handsome guy in school.

He wasn't sure if him being gay would really make a difference in how his plan was going to work out, but, oh boy, it did. The way Seungcheol got so flustered yesterday, it gave Jeonghan some rush of adrenaline. It was so enjoyable. And Jeonghan wanted more.

So, today, he still dressed in his most expensive clothing. He wa a just a bit more laid back, wearing a gray sweater and a pair of ripped jeans. His newly dyed hair looked perfect with his attire, and he was ready to make Choi Seungcheol lose his mind once again.

When he walked down the hallways, jeonghan felt everyone's eyes bitterly on him. But he didn't mind. He knew what he was getting into. But he had plans to turn everything around.

Once he turned the corner to his first class, his body suddenly collided with another and the two fell to the ground, books and papers flying everywhere.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry!" Jeonghan said, checking to see if the other boy was okay. He nodded and smiled. Jeonghan began to pick up the fallen papers and handed them back to the boy.

"Thank you," he said, "no one else would've done that."

"Hmm? Why?" Jeonghan asked.

"Because of Seungcheol," the boy explained, "I used to be friends with him. But I didn't do a project for him when he asked me to and he got the whole school to ignore me. Well, I guess you'd be the one to go against his 'do what I say' rule."

Jeonghan was honestly a bit surprised. This mid was the first person he had met that Seungcheol turned the school on besides himself. He almost didn't believe it.

"Really?" He said, "I thought I was the only person who's life was getting ruined by him."

The boy laughed, "well... You're wrong. I lost all of my friends and I can't make new ones, my boyfriend broke up with me, and I'm constantly bullied."
Jeonghan frowned empathetically.

"Awe... Who was your boyfriend?"

"Jeon Wonwoo."

"Really? The one who's friends with Seungcheol?"

"Yup," the boy nodded, "And also, what do you mean? He isn't ruining your life at all. It looks more like your ruining his."

"Well I don't know about tha-" Suddenly an idea popped into jeonghans head that caused him to stop mid-sentence. A sly smile creeped onto his face.

"How would you like to get back at Seungcheol?" He asked. And the boys face lit up.

"Oh my god yes!"
Jeonghan helped him pick up the last of his things as he replied.

"Well, I've got a plan to get myself to the top of this school and throw Seungcheol down to the bottom. And I'm taking you with me."

"Sounds fucking awesome. I'm in."

The two stood up together and shook hands, both smiling in a maniacal way.

"So what's your name again?"

"Kim Mingyu."


Y'all knew who it was as soon as I said Jeon Wonwoo.

Meanie is comin and so is Jeongcheol but let me have some gyuhan for a sec.

Side hoe

Sorry this was rushed but plz enjoy.


Streetrat <Jeongcheol>Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora