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I walk around the streets of Buenos Aires, it's calmest at night. Besides, there's nothing better to do considering I don't even sleep. I don't even know what it's like. I would give anything to have just one normal day. Just one. Then maybe I could actually take Vilu on a date, i could actually take her out for dinner, sit down and eat with her. Maybe then she wouldn't stay away from me. Maybe everything wouldn't be so crap if i was normal. Because as far as other people know, crap like werewolves, vampires and warlocks only exist in books. Books and movies. But my life is the furthest thing from a movie.

I breathe in the cold evening air and think about everything. From practically losing my best friend to finding out his mother's going to be killed within the next week or whatever. I think about Marco, poor guy. considering we're confused, he must be thinking he's mental, and hallucinating.

It's a wonder how things can get so easily messed up but they take time and effort to be perfect again. So many things have happened. I have a sister, My father is dead, my girlfriend is scared of me, she also found out her mother was a vampire, and my 'brother' is dating a warlock who claims she can help us. And suddenly, Nathalia has popped up out of no where helping us defeat some guy who we don't even know.

I walk around, my hands stuffed in the pockets of my hoodie and my head down, looking and the ground and my feet as i move. I gently kick the stones away with the tip of my shoe, and find myself by Violetta's house. I look up and i feel something i don't think has ever happened to me, i feel normal. I feel how Vilu feels everyday, i feel regular.

"Leon?" i hear a whisper from Vilu's home and look directly at her rooms window, "what are you doing here?"

I continue gazing up at her,not wanting to ruin the silence and tranquillity around us. She disappears from her window and i soon hear the front door clicking open. I see Vilu in her pink slippers, Purple top and Shorts. She must be freezing standing out here. "come in, my dad isn't home, he won't be till late tomorrow."

i follow along behind her into her house and close the door behind me. She starts to rub her arms to warm her up from the cold and instantly, just like that, i snap into reality. A normal boyfriend would take his girlfriend into his warm arms, he'd hug and hold her without suddenly feeling lustful and wanting to suck the blood out of her. I can't help it. I'm not a normal boyfriend, heck, i'm not even a normal person. I want to be with Vilu, I want to literally suck the blood out of her, because I love her. And what a great way to show you love someone by sucking the blood out of them(!) How very not normal.

I realize i've been staring at her this whole time. She shifts uncomfortably from one leg to another, "so," she begins, "um, why were you walking around? Couldn't sleep?" She immediately realised what she said and finally looked up in my eyes. My stomach flipped over, finally looking into those brown eyes after weeks. "Sorry,"

I could literally feel her heart beating, "why so nervous," I finally said.
She chuckled slightly before saying "I um don't really know what to say,"
"Then don't talk," I said stepping closer. I have no idea what caused me to do this but everything around me was forgotten because I had cupped her face in my hands and I was deeply kissing her. I was fighting every urge to bite her and I felt her mouth replying to my actions. My hands moved from her face to her hair as they lost in the blonde curls, messing up her already messy bed hair. Her small hands  were planted on my torso, and the snaked their way up around my neck. She pulled away to breathe and I bit my lip, what did I just do?
"Leon, I haven't even brushed my teeth since I went to bed,"
"Vilu, I really don't care," I say pulling her close to me, kissing her with everything I had, my hands moving up and down the sides of her tummy.
She was now holding my face in her hands as I opened her mouth with my own and explored her mouth with my tongue.
I swear, in this moment, I felt invincible.

We finally pulled away and I gazed at her, admiring her beautifully structured face, even tired and though she had just gotten out of bed a few minutes ago, she still looked flawless.
I softly wiped under her eye with my thumb even though nothing was there. "Leon," she whispered, pressing her forehead to mine and wrapping her arms around me, "please don't go, I don't like being alone."
I returned the hug and held her. She and I sat on the sofa, her arms wrapped around me and one of my arms holding her close whilst my hand on the arm played with her curls. She lay there, soundless and asleep. In my arms. I smiled down at her, she was my beauty.
It came morning time and I got home, Diego was there. "You were gone all night. Where were you,"
I ignored him and proceeded to walk upstairs. "Hey! Leon! I'm talking to you!" He called up, I felt his footsteps following my own up the stairs. "Leon!" 

I carried on walking up till i got into my room, i turned around and closed the door right in Diego's face. It didn't do much though, considering he pushed my door open, quite violently. "what did that door ever do to you?" i asked, looking up at him, a smirk tugging at my lips. 

"Leon, what the hell,"

"what?" i ask standing up, "what do you want, Diego,"

"What happened, how come you weren't here last night,"

"no reason," i shrugged, "is that enough."

"No, that's not enough, Leon there's so much going on. You're the clan leader, you can't just up and leave when you feel like it. You're dad wouldn't-"

"Newsflash, i'm not my dad Diego!" i yell, "i'm not my dad, and won't ever be, so face it." i say quieter, looking down. "i'm not my dad, i'm not your brother, i'm no one. i can't be anything."

i sit down on my bed, and drop my head into my hands. 

"Where's all this coming from Leon?" he asks, sitting down next to me, i looked up at him, it's probably so obvious that I wanna cry.

"I don't know, Diego, it's just... it's all a mess." i say, "i was out last night, thinking... i'm never gonna live a normal life. i'm never gonna marry Vilu, i won't ever have a family with the only girl i love and have ever loved." i look at him, "i'm never going to be like a normal person am i?"

"Leon, none of us are gonna have it normal. we, we aren't normal." 

"But you were!" i say exasperated, "you were, and Fede was, and Ludmi was, Marco was. i, I was like this forever. i've lived 18 years of my life like this."

"Leon, why the sudden, i dunno, desire to want to be normal?"

"I don't know, Diego, please, just go." i say, tired with all his questions. 

"Leon, just tell me,"

"Diego, leave, just go. please."


ahhhhhhh so close to the mid-finaleeeee guys i seriously can't wait because it's all gonna add up i swear. and omg leonettttttaaaaaaa aah the feeeels. ok ok, i'm probably going to update NOW soon, so yayyy. please be more active guys, please vote and comment more thanks :)

- Harps

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