"Abdullah is no safe now." Hira was smirking. Kinza looked at her and laughed.

Climbing the stairs slowly she was thinking of his reaction. Her hands were getting colder and she was unable to focus on anything. She clicked the handle of the closed door and entered with racing heart. He was nowhere and his coat was placed still on the bed. She moved towards the couch to buckle her heels and suddenly Abdullah's voice stroke her ears. She moved her head a little and found him talking on phone. His head was pasted to his shoulder with phone in the middle. His hands were moving but the grip on phone was interrupting him. Soon he turned to the room and his eyes collided with hers. It was a mere moment; the moment filled with silence, shouting eyes, racing hearts, smiling lips, love and longing. She was looking at the rug beside the bed when the floral patterns seemed blooming in his eyes.

"Oh! Yes. I am listening." Recovering quickly he said.

Kinza was feeling all topsy-turvy but she had no way out. He was talking on phone but his eyes were on her face. The top three buttons were waiting to be clasped in the holes on the opposite side and he was still not ready. The time was fleeing for the occasion and they were running late so she decided something. His single hand was struggling hard but it was not working out. She slowly got up from the couch and walked towards him. His eyes looked with an ambiguous expression and she lowered hers to the buttons. She tied the buttons with shaky fingers and looked down at her bare feet. The shiny black shoes were just a few inches away and her heart was thumping in its cage. Switching her hands to his collar she adjusted it and then cuffed up his sleeves. He was still on phone, talking attentively and gazing the movements of her hands. She turned to the side table and picked his watch in her trembling hands. He smiled a little and extended his arm to her side. Encircling the chain she was unable to lock it properly due to the hardness of the lock when suddenly his one hand approached there and signaled her to keep it tightened. The diamond in her finger was shimmering and its beams were trembling on the glass of the dial. She quickly turned to the dressing table and picked his hair brush and looked at him. His eyes were silent and he was busy in narrowing the corners while staring the ground. He was carefully listening when his hair moved in the brush. Kinza was styling his hair and the stills; from his press conferences, public appearances and that very first meeting in restaurant were capturing her thoughts. Remembering those all hairstyles she was smiling. That day she had the access to his hair and someday she would get hold of his heart. This thought was pacifying her internally.

The hair was not looking like what she wanted so she messed them up with her fingers and again styled them while standing on her heels, with aching feet. He was tall enough so she could not match his height. He was greeting the man on the other side of call at that time and her face was standing closer struggling to make his hair look better and she was continuously failing. Soon he picked the brush from her palm and moved at the mirror with a sober smile, locking his phone. She was standing there still observing him making his hair. He lifted it upward and then pressed the sides. It was new for Kinza so she was staring without blinking her eyes. Seeing right from the mirror his eyes collided with hers and he smiled under his lips. He picked Eternity from the table and turned at her side. Walking closely he covered the gap and extended the bottle to her hands. She looked at his collar with some unexplainable expression in her eyes and then he jerked his head a little. With trembling hand she grabbed the bottle and sprayed on his shirt. A few perfumed droplets fell on her wrist and her nose turned red. Quickly she recovered and turned to her heels. Sitting on the couch she lowered her burning face and touched the straps. His next step made her stunned. He sat on his knees and beautifully moved her hands away. Fastening the straps on her ankles he lifted his eyelids and her eyelashes shivered. 

It was not the sequel of prince finding his Cinderella. She was not the Cinderella. Abdullah never had any shimmery shoe in his hand but she was the woman of his life. She was the queen of his heart. She had been walking on the roads leading to him. She was not an ordinary woman. She was his, only his.

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