Chapter 8: The Launch

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Thorne looked at how Cress typed on the portscreen. She was hacking herself into the lunar database. It always fascinated Thorne to see how she could do that. Compared to Cress, Thorne was clueless when it came to technology.
They had two portscreens, one projected the video feed, which Thorne had become so very tired of staring at the last days and nights, the other one was the one Cress used. Cress gained this special mindset when she was in the middle of hacking, her focused eyes narrowed and she leaned a little forward.
"What names do you want me to add?" She asked.
The plan was to hack into the database and add two identities. They figured it was better to add new personas. If they took existing or deceased Lunars, they ran the risk of someone from the camp with Levana's last sympathisers actually having known that person, blowing their cover.
Cress might be Lunar, but she was a shell and couldn't create a glamour to look like anyone. They had to think of another way to disguise themselves.

At least Thorne had the Implant, so no one could manipulate his bio-electricity. The times that his actions had been controlled by a Lunar still plagued him, but worst of all when Levana had made him point a gun at Cress. The idea that no one could ever do that to them again sparked relief every time Thorne thought about it.
Thorne had bought some hair dye and coloured lenses for him and Cress to wear so that they at least had a different hair and eye colour. He figured that by now, people had seen their faces so often, so there was a risk of being recognised. Thorne had noticed that hair colour and eyes were the first features that people remembered. He had learned this during his time as a criminal on the run, even before he had met Cinder in that little cell in New Beijing Prison.
Thorne was going to have black hair and dark eyes while Cress would try auburn hair with grey-green eyes.
"I got it." Cress said while her face lit up. Her smile was so big it looked like it went from one ear to the other. "Two new files have been added to the lunar database."Anyone with an internet connection could access the files on the database, which is why they had to be certain that the files were believable. Luckily, they didn't have to add a picture. "You are Marik Grinwick, a thaumaturge who used to control a large number of guards in sector RM3. I will be Robbin Prane, a soldier under your command."
His attention shifted as Thorne saw something in the corner of his eye. A movement of sorts appeared somewhere, where there hadn't been any movement for 4 entire days. "Something's happening." He said stiffly and pointed at the portscreen, which they had been observing. They hadn't paid attention for a little while, but Thorne now leaped forwards to see what this action was. Cress seemed concerned and did the same, she looked over his shoulder as she too observed what was happening.
"If I could just hear what they were saying, maybe I could get an idea of what they were planning. Frustration bulged in Thorne.
A group of maybe ten Lunars were pushing some large metal object from within the largest tent of their camp. It looked bulky and heavy, and Thorne doubted if they could have moved the metal lump if it hadn't been for the wheels they had placed under it.
"What is that?"
"It looks like some kind of weapon."
Thorne could only imagine what this device was for. Its almost looked like a tiny tank, but there was no way someone fitted in there. Its walls were made like a tank, and painted in the same dark colours. It could possibly be something they use in the military. There was a platform and two bars, functioning as holders. These two carried what seemed like the central part of the machine. It was nothing more than a box, which could be turned pointing different directions. One side of the box had round holes in them.
The team left the device and returned to the large tent.
A moment of silent confusion passed. Cress looked at Thorne, hopeful that he could tell her what this object was for and whether it was dangerous
Just as Thorne thought the group wouldn't return did they return again. This time carrying a more recognisable object. Cress had grabbed Thorne's hand and he could feel her heartbeat quicken. Thorne too felt his heart pounding faster.
The pointed cylinder bore red, white and black stripes.
"Captain?" Cress asked insecurely
Thorne gawked. "That's a missile, no doubt, but the other." Thorne wanted to slap himself when the missile was inserted in the holder. "That other object, it's a missile launcher." How could he not have known what a missile launcher looked like?
Cress shifted on her feet and sqeezed Thorne's palm. "I know what it is, why are they preparing it for firering?"
"What do they want to target?"
The missile was fired leaving behind an enormous cloud of dust, which hindered Cress and Thorne from seeing anything else.
Thorne rubbed his face with his hands. "Think! Thorne, think!" He whispered to himself. What would they want to target? Why now? What's changed recently?
Cress' mind started racing in the same way as Thorne's had. "Cinder and Kai's engagement" Cress said.
At first Thorne frowned, but a second later his eyes widened and his lips parted, as he realised that Cinder, the former Queen of Luna was in the royal palace together with Kai, emperor of the Commonwealth. How beneficial would it be for them to wipe out Cinder and Kai in one go? "How long does it take for a missile to reach Earth?"
Cress immediately grabbed a portscreen and looked it up. Within seconds, she found the answer. "Depending on model and various factors, 15 to 30 minutes."
"We have at least 15 minutes." Thorne yanked the portscreen out of Cress' hands and pressed the video call button. Unbearable seconds passed as he was sending Cinder a comm.
No one answered.
"Send Kai a comm" Cress urged. Thorne did as she said, but there was no answer. He called Cinder again and again and again.
Thirteen minutes left.
She picked up, finally. A groggy Cinder appeared on the screen, "Thorne, don't you know it's 4 o'clock at night?"
Actually he didn't, time passed differently while drifting in outer space, there was no day or night to cling oneself to.
"Cinder! Where is Kai? Is he with you?" Thorne asked. He realised that he may have seemed hectic.
"I'm right here, what on Earth is going on?" Kai asked.
Thorne felt a seconds relief, that just saved them a few priceless minutes. 12 mintes left. "You both have to trust me for a second, shut up and do what I say."
Cinder arched her eyebrows. "Is there a room in that palace of yours that is safe no matter what? A vault or something?"
Cinder stared at him sceptically. "You woke us up at four in the morning because you want to know whether there's a vault in the palace?"
"Or bunker, something that can resist a lot of damage"
"Stars above Thorne, we don't have time to play your little games."
"Damnit Cinder, just answer me!"
"There's a bunker in the basement designed to resist five simultaneous atomic bombs." Kai said
"That'll do. Now go there!"
"But why do you..."
"Cinder, for once in your lifetime, listen to me"
Cress tore the portscreen away from Thorne. "Cinder. Kai. Don't ask how or why we know, but we think your lives are in danger. You have nine minutes to get up, evacuate the place and get down to the bunker."
"The bunker can only hold a limited amount of people, but there should only be guards present at this time." Kai entered his serious stage and grabbed some kind of communication device. Thorne heard him command all guards to leave the perimeter.
"You have seven minutes to get the hell down to that bunker of yours." Thorne said.
Still on the line, Thorne saw how Cinder and Kai stormed out the door and rushed down way too many stairs, down a hallway, and another, until they reached a locked iron door. Kai entered an eight-digit code before opening the door and rushing Cinder inside. He locked the door.
"The palace is cleared, no one should be inside" Kai said.
Relief washed over Thorne as a million knots in his stomach untied.
2 minutes left.
Cinder returned her attention to the portscreen. "Now will you tell us why we are in danger?"
"There's a missile heading your way as we speak, that's all I can tell you." Cress said
"A very big one" Thorne added.
"How do you know this?" Cinder asked, but Thorne shook his head and once again told her that he couldn't say.
The first 15 minutes had passed without any rumbling appearing.
Time went on, and on, and on.
A full 45 minutes had gone by, but nothing had happened.
"Are you sure that room of yours isn't soundproof?" Thorne asked Kai.
Kai shook his head. "Maybe your source is wrong."
This time Cress shook her head. "It can't be, saw the missile being launched ourselves"
"How did... You're sure the missile was destined to hit the palace?"
Thorne's silence answered their question. There was no other place. The thaumaturges only have a quarrel with Cinder and Kai. There's no other Earthen leader they hate, they'd barely heard about them. There was no other possibility, no other target of interest,
Yet the missile hadn't hit the palace, and it had for sure been launched. Then what could it have targeted.
What had the missile destroyed instead of the palace?

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