Chapter 1

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Here I sit. In a stupid big mansion, at a stupid dining table, with my stupid family. I've always hated this family. They only care about themself, money or their famous company. They never really cared about me. But they do care a lot about my older brother, Minjoon. He is going to be the next CEO of our company and my parents adore him. In their eyes he's the perfect son. He's kind, he's smart, he has good manners and is 'handsome'. But in my eyes he's annoying and a selfish brat. He always plays the good kid infront of my parents. But when he's with me he's everything but good.

"Y/N" My dad said to me. "Hm?" I replied annoyed. My mother looked furious at me, "Behaviour" she hissed. I rolled my eyes. "Yes, father?" I fake smiled. "How is home school going?" he asked me. Yes, I take home school. Because I hated going to school. People would just use me for money and I know that. I've been going to school till the age of 15 until I got sick of it. Whenever I thought I made good friends, real friends, people who actually cared about me. They stabbed me in the back and used me for my money. That's when I decided to take home school. "It's going great" I answered. My dad smiled at me. "You're going to be a great nurse in the future". That's when I snapped, "For the last time, I don't want to be a nurse!! Why won't you guys let me do something that I love?! That I like?! Just because you guys care so much for money doesn't mean I do!!" I yelled. I got up my seat and wanted to ran upstairs until my dad grabbed my arm. When I turned around to face my dad, my face immediatly turned to the side. I groaned at the pain from my left cheek. I saw my brother laughing evily at me from the dining table. "Listen to me" my dad said angry, "you are going to do just what I tell you to do. You are my daughter and you need to obey my orders, understood?". I janked my arm free. "I'm your daughter right? Then do not act like a boss as if I work for you. Act like a fucking dad" I hissed at him. I turned around as fast as I could and ran out of the mansion.

I had only one destination. To the only real friend I have, Jackson. He's been my best friend for 3 years now. He didn't care about my money, he cared about me. We met 3 years ago. He was a new student at our school. He just moved to Korea from China and was placed in my class. I never really cared about my classmates or whatsoever. Nobody sat next to me because I would easily brush them off and give them a cold attitude. But he sat next to me. He was so happy and cheerful, it was hard to be cold to him. Before I knew it we became good friends. We always had lunch at the rooftop. One day I told him what I've been hiding from him. The fact that I'm rich. I was scared, scared that he would use me like they all did. But he didn't. My school days with him were the most fun days of my life. We laughed a lot and joked around. One day he rapped out of nowhere for me. I was amazed. It sounded so cool, he looked so badass and into it. You could clearly see that it was his passion. I admired it so much. I loved it so much. And so I also wanted to rap. The first time I rapped infront of him I was nervous and shy, even tho he's my best friend. But as soon as I started, I fully putted my heart and soul in it. It was like I was in my zone. When I was finished he was amazed. He said I had talent and my voice was very unique. From there on in our breaks we would always have a rap battle for fun. I enjoyed every minute I had with him.

But sadly it ended after a few months. Jackson rolled into our school somewhere at the middle of the school year. And at the beginning I told my parents I wanted to take home school. They said I needed to finish that school year and then could begin home school. There was no going back from it since my school already knew. I was scared we would lost contact, but luckily we didn't. We facetimed everyday and would often hang out at night, on the streets. There we would bring out our mics and just rap for fun. A lot of people enjoyed it. There would always be a crowd around us, cheering for us. It made me so happy. Like I was just a normal person. Away from my family. But little did I knew that one day my brother was in that crowd. When I went home that night my parents were furious.

I opened the front door from our home and hummed a beat of one of mine and Jackson songs. I closed the door and walked to the living room. When I entered the living room my parents were standing there furious with their arms folded against their chest. And my brother behind them with a dirty smirk. I looked confused at them, "Is there something wrong??" I asked them. "Something wrong? Something wrong??!!!!" my dad yelled, "You are a disgrace of this family!!! Who is this guy you've been hanging out with???!!! That poor bastard who made you into this??!!!". I was perplexed. But then I knew what they were talking about. And I knew it was my stupid brother who told them. Anger took over me in seconds, "How do you mean 'poor bastard'?! How do you mean 'made me into this'?! What's wrong with me doing something that I like or even love?! What's wrong with me finally being friends with someone?! Just tell me that!!" I yelled back at him. He came up to me and hit my face hard. I tasted blood on my lips and brushed it off. "You are not allowed to be friends anymore with that guy and you are forbidden to rap ever again!!". Tears formed in my eyes, "Why am I not allowed to?". "Because you are the daughter of the Park family and you will not put our name in shame with all this bullshit underground rapping!! You are going to be a succesful nurse just like we want you to be! You understand that young lady?!" he said angry to me. I just nodded my head in defeat and went to my room. That night I cried so much. My passion was taken away from me together with the only friend I ever had.
*End of flashback*

I ran and ran. I ran as fast as I could to the only person I wanted to be with. The only one who was there for me all this time. The only one who really cared for me. Tears started to form in my eyes. Stupid family, stupid parents, stupid company, stupid destinated future that I don't want!! Before I knew it I stood infront of his door. I was scared to actually rang the bell. I haven't talked to him for 2 years. Haven't seen him for 2 years. And now after 2 years I suddenly show up. It wouldn't suprise me if he slams the door close as soon as he sees me. Come on Y/N, get the courage! I mentally slapped my face and got the courage. I took deep breath and rang the bell. I heard foot steps coming this way. My heart started to beat faster and faster. And then the door opened. After 2 years Jackson stood in front of me. "Y/N is that you?"


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