"Because you come before food." He replies simply and a sudden blush finds it's way to my cheeks.

"You can't just be cheesy and get away with calling me a pig, you know." I say in a bored tone; like what he says doesn't make me happy even though we both know it totally does.

"Well the past three years surely say otherwise, baby." He replies with an amused expression.

"You're a jerk, and an ass and a complete idiot." I say, pushing him away and glaring at him playfully.

"Fair enough. I, however, am a jerk, ass and complete idiot that you so happen to love." He replies and I grin.

"Now that, I absolutely can not deny. I love you Nathan Cullen." I say, looking at him in the eye with a huge smile on my face.

"I love you too, Scarlett Woods." He says and my heart skips a beat.

It's not something that I've heard for the first time but at the same time; its not something I can get used to either.

We move along to a slow tune for some more time without saying anything before Nathan taps on my shoulder again.

"How are things with the parents? I almost forget to ask you how yesterday's Skype session was!" He questions me, an expression of pure curiosity on his face.

"Well it wasn't too awkward but seeing as how we spoke after three whole months; it was an undeniably uncomfortable conversation." I say.

"They weren't rude to you or anything though; were they?" He confirms, concern etching his face.

"No, and thankfully they will not be visiting before graduation." I inform him.

Nathan's shoulders slacken in relief and he nods his head as he drags me to the side. Pulling out a chair, he holds his hand in mine and bends down to whisper.

"I know you're keeping something from me about yesterday. They will be making it to your graduation, won't they?" He asks me softly.

"They said they'll try but that's just code for not being able to make it. In all honesty, I don't see how it matters, though." I reply, a little saddened at the reminder that my parents probably won't be making it to see me graduate.

"Hey, hey of course it matters! You're class valedictorian and it's okay if you're sad that they aren't able to make it..!" Nathan tries to reassure me.

"I guess, I mean not like I'm used to their presence or anything. I just haven't told Allie yet so don't make a big deal of it right now. I just don't want you guys to fuss about it because it'll make it worse." I tell him, a sad smile on my face.

I'm not crying or anything though, because honestly, I'd never imagined my parents in the picture whenever I had ever envisioned collecting my degree wearing my robes and everything.

"Well, I know for a fact that Aunt Ellen can easily give everyone else a run for their money when it comes to cheering for you and I guess you know that too." He says, a ghost of a smile playing on his face.

"Yes! That sounds like an idea! You can spend the morning lounging around at mine and we'll have a Harry Potter marathon! After the ceremony, we'll hang out with the gang for a while and you're welcome to join us for a Dominos dinner with a Final Destination movie!" He adds, a little too enthusiastically.

"No, like that would be intruding on your personal space and I mean Dominos and Final Destination is sort of your family tradition and I don't know, it just feels wrong.." I mutter, trailing off when I look at Nathan's frowning expression.

Because I'm a Nerd. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora