Another Name, Another Night

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Author's Note: Sorry for the very late upload. Midterms just got away from me. 

Warning: Explicit Content.

I downed my fourth shot of vodka with some girls from my calculus class while we chatted about who we thought were the sexiest guys in our grade. The music was pounding in my eardrums; it was hypnotic, causing my hips to sway side to side in time with the beat on their own accord. I was officially tipsy at this point and the other girls were a mess of giggles.

Wearing a pair of tight black jeans with a ripped off the shoulder white top I was ready to party. I debated looking for Matt among the sea of people to see if he would dance with me, but before I could arms snaked around my waist pulling my body flush against theirs. My lips tweaked upwards expecting to find Matt wrapped around my body but when I turned my head I found Nate instead. Nate Williams, Matt’s friend from the soccer team who I had wanted to hook-up with all those months ago at the beginning of the school year. If I had only slept with Nate that night instead of Matt, who knows what would have happened. The thought of Nate and I almost being a thing caused me to laugh as I broke out of his embrace to face him.

“Haven’t seen you in awhile,” I casually remarked while the rest of the girls were wiggling their eyebrows suggestively. Nate was definitely a name that had popped up in our conversations earlier, but for some reason he just wasn’t as sexy as Matt was to me. Amy made a crude pelvic thrust suggesting that I hop on that gravy train but her action did not go unnoticed by Nate. The smirk on his face at the blatant ego inflation caused me to roll my eyes playfully.

“Want to dance?” he offered outstretching his hand for me to take. Having no reason not to, I accepted his invitation and followed him to the dance floor. Just like last time our bodies rubbed and pressed against one another as we moved to the music letting it control us. I wasn’t concerned about where my mother was, I wasn’t worrying about how I was getting home, the only thought in my head was the flirtatious battle I had ignited with Nate. Songs passed in a blur as the vodka induced haze had settled in. Nate’s muscles were flexing slightly beneath his t-shirt as he trailed his hands over my hips, squeezing tightly. The pressure was more erotic than painful. Staring up at him beneath my lashes I placed my hands in the loops of his jeans and tugged him closer as our bodies rocked side to side. Every time the song changed it was like we were daring each other, a game of chicken except with sexy dance moves.

All the dancing was making me sweaty and to be honest I had no idea what time it was or where Iris or any of the girls were hanging out. Not wanting to admit defeat but needing a good exit strategy, I shimmied down the front of his body and rubbed my ass against his crotch. Coyly righting myself I flipped my hair over my shoulder and strutted off the dance floor, with one last fleeting look I motioned for him to join me with my index finger.  

Collapsing on the couch, I kicked some abandoned red cups off the seat next to me, making room for Nate. But he wasn’t going to have any that as he pulled me on his lap, stretching his legs out where I was seated only seconds ago. I giggled at his playfulness, squirming slightly to find a comfortable position.

We stared at the ceiling as our heart rates calmed down, slowly returning to normal.  “Are you thirsty?” he whispered in my ear. My mouth was dry and I just really wanted a glass of water or something so I merely nodded my head. Nate gently picked me up and placed me back on the couch before heading to kitchen. That was what I loved most about those soccer boys, they had enough strength to carry you and let’s face it what women doesn’t want to be carried by the boy she fancies.

Nate sauntered back into the living room and glanced over his shoulder, a nervous expression flickered on his face. I tried to find what he was looking at but his tall stature was blocking my view. He handed me a red cup filled with a dark liquid. Taking a sip I realized it was coke with a dash of vodka, I chugged most of it not really caring that it wouldn’t help sober me up. It was a party, you’re not supposed to be sober anyways. Nate held out his hand for me to grab, his palm was slightly rough against my own, “Let’s go upstairs for a bit,” he suggested. The pounding of the music was starting to become over-whelming and usually I would suggest stepping outside just to make sure he knew our friendship was platonic but it was cold out tonight and I didn’t want to freeze to death so I simply followed him.

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