Odd Comments In The Wind

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Author's Note: Warning this chapter contains some explicit content. 

Sitting in my room next to the pile of textbooks that begged for my attention was exhausting. I spent the whole day with my nose buried in tiny black font as I tried to catch up on everything, and get ahead for the next week. It's not like I had anything better to do anyways. 

Last Saturday, the dinner with Matt's mom was nice. It reminded me of how things used to be around here, how open and friendly people could be. Matt was lucky to have such a nice caring woman to look after him, and the way he affectionately joked and teased with her just highlighted what an amazing relationship they must have. 

Flipping to another page in my math notebook, a smile broke out onto my face. I only had three more questions left to answer before I would be free from the shackles of homework but I had a better way to pass the time. Quickly jumping into the shower I washed my body and shaved. Slipping into a red bra and matching thong I threw a giant shirt over my scantily clad form.

Hey want to come over? I texted to Matt. Waiting for his reply, I grabbed some lotion from the dresser in my room and began to rub it over my long legs and arms as the smell of jasmine overcame me.

Sure. See you in 15?

Sounds good.

Splayed out on my duvet waiting for the chime of a bell, I began to ponder if this was what I really desired. If I travelled down this road, what would it make me? What would other people think of me? The confidence that I always seemed to exude in sexual situations started to fade and an eerie sense of disgust started to replace it.

‘Ding dong, ding dong’, reverberated through the barren house shaking me out of my current reverie, preventing any further analysis to the thoughts that were swimming around in my mind. Like the flip of a switch my sultry composure flooded my system like the illuminating light of a light bulb in a dark room and I sauntered down to my front door. Cracking the door open Matt’s gaze landed on my highly exposed body.

“Hi,” he nervously uttered under my intense allure. His feet remained planted on the other side of the door, unsure if he should cross the barrier and enter my house. He shouldn’t be so nervous, it wasn’t like it was his first time, it wasn’t even our first time together.

“Hey, let’s go up to my room,” I replied as if this was a casual study date. Well the casual part is at least correct. Strutting up the wooden stairs I didn’t dare chance a glance behind me, expecting him to close the door and follow me like an obedient puppy.

I came to a halt a couple feet in front of my bed, facing him. Allowing my attire and the room we were in to speak for itself, there was no question as to what would be occurring between these four white walls for the next few hours.

“Are you sure?” The question seemed so out of place. I was the one who invited him over, I was the one dressed like this, it was me who suggested going to my room. How could he doubt, even for a second, my intentions? This is what I want. I should be asking if he was sure.

Not bothering with a verbal response I closed the distance between us, and placed a delicate kiss on his lips. Matt responded by wrapping his arms around my waist, pressing our mid-sections together. His hands kept a firm steady pressure that increased slightly every time I bit his bottom lip playfully.

Breaking out of his embrace, I shoved him onto the bed, the covers crinkling under his impact like a frozen scene of ripples in a pond when a rock is thrown in, disturbing the innocence of the water. Matt was that rock, but this water had no innocence to disturb.

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