Chapter 5 - New Years

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Well every since like 5 or more I think days ago I was trapped in lyoko and missed the Christmas party. And I had no way to devirtualize. And around then I got a vehicle, which is a cloud. I named it Pegasus, don't ask why I named it, it felt like it fits with it that it can fly and all. I have mastered flying it. It was also strange that Max has not done anything since then.
It didn't feel right. Max has been too quiet. But we enjoyed what we could with no Max around. Anyways, let's get to our story.
I was sleeping in my dorm with the door closed, I was enjoying winter break, I have not clue what winter is but it sounds fun. I was dreaming of Max being defeated and the joy of not having to deal with him anymore.
             Max was a pain, but after he is gone we are gonna be neck and neck with XANA again, which I only battled him once. But until then, we are battling Max. Then Someone bursts threw my door and I wake up instantly.
I say," Huh? Wah?"
The strange person," Shhhhh!"
I replied," Why do you want me to shush?"
The strange person said," For reasons you don't need to know!"
I replied," Your in my dorm, so answer my questions!"
The strange person sighed and said," It's none of your business."
I replied," Then get out of my dorm and let me sleep!"
The strange person replied," Why should I?"
I replied," You don't want to deal with someone that can beat you up in 1 second?"
The strange person replied as they were looking through a creek of the door," Ha! Would like to see that!"
Then I got up and I am just in my pajamas, I then grabbed the person out of the door and locked the door in 1 second. I went back into bed, then I heard banging on the door and the person screaming at me to let them in. I waited for 20 minutes then it stopped. I went back to sleep.
      The next morning I got dressed and went down to the cafeteria for breakfast. I grabbed my food and sat down next to Aria, Mike, Tom, and Taylor.
I said," How was your guys nights?"
Aria replied," Normal, just sleeping."
The rest said," Same."
Taylor then asked," Why? What happened?"
I told them what had happened last night.
Aria said," Wow, they sound like a jerk!"
The others responded," Same."
I said," It was weird, it was like I have met them before."
The others nodded. I went back to eating. Then I hear the voice of the person I met last night behind me.
They said," Hmph."
I turned around and it was a girl in a yellow tank top with blonde hair, with jeans.
I replied," So you were the person that was in my dorm?"
She replied," Yes, and why did you kick me out of my own dorm?"
I replied in anger loudly that other students could hear me," Well that was my dorm to begin with! And plus you have the wrong floor! And second of all!!-"
I was interrupted by the schools gym teacher, Herald. He had brown hair sorta spiky, he had baggy clothes on. He had a full beard.
Herald asked," What's going on here?"
The girl replied," This person was in my dorm!"
I replied in anger just wanting to punch her," Well it was my  dorm!!! Your dorm is a floor above! You must be mental!"
Herald said," Quiet down Ricky!"
She then replied," Ricky eh? Then you do have a name , dorm stealer."
I replied," Agh! Girls!!!!"
Herald then said," Look Jennifer must be confused, she is new. She might of gotten lost and found your room and she thought it was hers."
Jennifer replied," No! It is my dorm! I know it!"
I just sighed and said," Look, let's try and be adults about this ok?"
Then Jennifer replied," How dare you! You stole my dorm!"
I replied," Just so as we are clear I was living in that dorm way before you."
Jennifer said," But it's mine!"
I thought," Man she is not giving up, and this feels so awkward. There must be a way to shut her up."
Then I said," Look, what is your dorm room number?"
She replied," 27."
I said," Well my dorm number is 12, so you have the wrong dorm."
She replied," Oh, sorry about that."
I replied," Oh no it's fine, just pay more attention to what the dorm numbers next time."
Then she left and I sat back down in my chair and continued to eat my food. Herald just left to go help out that girl. The way about that girl, she just seems like trouble. I will keep an eye on her, just to be sure.
Since it was break there were no classes. So today I went to the library to get a book, and I did learn how to read. I learned to ready 2 weeks after I came to Kadic. So I picked out a book and started to read it, the book was called " The adventures of Tim Seder" which was made by a guy named Mike Twin, surprisingly the Mike I know is not this Mike. Mike Twin is a very old author.
My phone started ringing, I answer it.
I answered," Hello?"
Then I hear Aria's voice.
Aria said," Come to the factory! We have to show you something!"
I replied quietly since I was in a library," Alright on my way!"
Then I hung up on the phone, which I got a month after I came here. 23 minutes later I arrive in the lab.
I asked," What do you need to show me?"
Mike said," You know how you missed the Christmas party?"
I replied with a depressed tone," Yeah."
Mike said," Well we made a simulation of that party!"
I asked," English please?"
Mike said," Oh right you don't know a lot about technology yet! Well a simulation is a, sorta like a-"
I said," Oh wait! Is it like a temporary place?"
Mike said," Yeah sorta like that!"
I said," So where do we go?"
Mike replied," To the scanners of course!"
I asked," Have you tested it?"
Mike said," No, it should be safe!"
I asked," One more question, is there a way to devirtualize?"
Mike said," Oh right forgot about that, let me just add weapons so one of us can come back and devirt everyone."
We all nodded. He started typing away and then he gave the thumbs up. We all headed towards the scanners. First was Me, Aria, and Tom.
Mike said," Transfer Ricky, Transfer Tom, Transfer Aria!"
Then I closed my eyes as there was a bright light.
Mike then said again," Scanner Ricky, Scanner Tom, Scanner Aria, Virtualization!"
Then we landed outside of the gym. Next came Taylor and Mike. Then we headed inside of the gym and it was full of kids, lights, and music. I wasn't used to it, but I got over it.
I said," This looks weird? Is this normal?"
They all laughed and that didn't make me happy.
Tom said," Ricky! It's a party! It's normal!"
I nodded. Then I just didn't feel comfortable so I went out of the gym and nobody noticed. I sat down near the wall of the cafeteria and just thought about that girl Jennifer.
I looked up and surprised I saw Jennifer. I was in aw.
I said," Why are you here?"
She didn't respond. Then all of a sudden bluish blackish smoke went all around her and then I heard a familiar voice. Maxes voice.
I asked," Max? Why are you here?"
Then the smoke around Max faded and it was Max in his lyoko suit.
Max said," Oh I just wanted to pop in and say hello!"
I replied in fear," What do you want?!?"
Max scoffed and then said," Look, I know you have a crush on Aria."
I was shocked and yelled," Are you crazy!!! You must be really mental!"
Max said," I know the way you have her the goggly eyes!"
I said," You have seen no such thing!"
I then heard someone behind me. It was Aria.
Aria asked in a crying tone but wasn't crying," Is it true? You love me?"
I replied," Eh, uh."
Then I turned to Max.
Then I said in an angered tone," Why do you have to be so rude and spreading that stuff!"
Max said with a calm down town," Just calm down! It's a break! I'm not gonna cause trouble!"
I replied," Well your gonna be in a whole lot of it!"
Then I remembered that I had my sword and my staff. I grabbed the sword and started swinging at Max and he kept dodging. I heard Aria run the other direction back to the gym, hoping to get some help and not sulking. I kept swinging then my cloud appeared next to me. I jumped on it then started flying.
        To my knowledge I didn't know Max could fly, he sprouted wings and started flying towards me. And just so as I am clear I am wearing a tux and not my regular lyoko suit. So I leaned forward a little more to go a bit faster.
          Max then got near me and then shocked me with lighting which caused me to fall. I grabbed my staff and then I floated myself back down to the ground.
I said," Max I will not give up!"
Max replied," You will once your dead!"
Then I heard footsteps behind me. It was a krankerlot. So I turned around and threw my sword at the krankerlot which destroyed the krankerlot. I ran over to the disappearing data of the krankerlot and grabbed my sword.
I thought," Man this would be a good time for some back up!"
I ran into the gym huffing and puffing. It was quiet, too quiet. Nobody was there, there was no lights, no sounds except for me.
I asked," Where is everyone?"
Max replied,"Asleep."
I was confused.
Max said," Well, I brought you out of the simulation."
I was surprised, I had my weapons out to my sides.
I asked," How'd you do that?"
Max replied," I can do many things." Then he laughed evilly.
I was trembling with fear. My legs were shivering.
I said whimpering," Y-You aren't gonna get away with this!"
Max just laughed. Then disappeared  into thin air. So I got to the factory as soon as possible. 25 minutes later I got to the lab and started typing. I diverted Mike first.
Mike asked,"How did you devirt? And why did you make Aria cry?"
I responded," Max brought me to the real world, and I still have my weapons so I must have the gift that XANA have given us active. Then the second question, I don't want to talk about it."
Mike then replied as he got onto the super computer," Ok, we are gonna talk about you making Aria cry later."
I nodded. Then Aria, Tom, and Taylor got devirted. Then Aria saw me and didn't look at me for the rest of the night. We went back to our dorms. As I was getting ready for bed Mike entered my room.
Mike asked," So about Aria."
I said," I really don't want to talk about it."
Mike asked," Did you ask her out."
I got really mad and stared at him with the angry eyes.
He said defensively," Look I just wanted to ask."
I sighed," Max said that I was in love with her while she was behind me."
Mike was shocked. I nodded then he left my room and I fell asleep. I woke up at a knock at my door, it seemed like midnight.
As I open the door I say," Look Mike I don't want to-"
Then I saw Aria at the door. She looked like she was shy.
Aria asked," Is what Max said true?"
I replied," Uh, um?"
She replied," As I thought, it is true."
I replied," Look I am sorry you had to hear it from Max, but I would like to stay as friends!"
She nodded, then left my dorm to go back to hers.

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