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WataMote, also known as Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!  (No Matter How I Look at It, It's Your Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular!) is an anime based around a character known as Tomoko Kuroki. Tomoko has social anxiety, yet wants to be very popular among her school. The anime revolves around Tomoko and her crazy ideas to try and get noticed by her classmates.

Overall: Its a very good comedy anime that should be more known by people who like anime. Even though the humor at times is a little bit dark if you take a moment to understand it, it gave me some good laughs. I give this anime an overall 7/10

Enjoyment: I enjoyed this anime thoroughly, enough so that I am now reading the manga to WataMote. Some of the humor in this anime is based of off 'Cringe Comedy'. Cringe Comedy is exactly what you think, second-hand embarassment to you! With this sprinkled here and there, it kind of lowered my overall enjoyment, but I can see people liking that kind of humor. I think anyone who likes anime or videogames would enjoy this anime as much as I did. Enjoyment gets a solid 6/10..

Story: The story was very simple in terms of anime. The basic story plot was a girl trying ways to get popular at school, and that is pretty much it. Sure, there is a sub-plot here and there, but mostly its plain as can be. The wacky situations in this anime do kind of make up for lack of story though. For me, story gets a 4/10.

Art: Me personally, I love the art style in this anime, It reminds me of my own art style at points, plus, the creators added in some parody points, where they took other anime art styles and put them in theirs. Some people might call that 'cheating' but giving that the anime has such a simple art style and parodying other complicated art styles was very neat to see. The art style(s) for this anime gets an 8/10.

Sound: I personally did not really like the main characters voice actor, they sounded a small bit raspy and to me it didn't feel right. The other voice actors were great with their characters, just not Tokomo's. These voices get a 6/10.

Characters: The characters in this anime were terrific! Tokoki, Yuu, and every background character had at least some development, unlike Tokomo. Tokomo's character did not really show any character development throughout all 12 episodes, she was consistent throughout. Even though the main character did show off as kind of bland, I still rate the characters 7/10.

Well, there is my review for Watamote! I hope you enjoyed. If you have any comments, questions, or thoughts, please leave them in the comments section! 

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